- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 7 months ago by
I am just about seething regarding the difficulty/lack of advance setup for SVN access within MyEclipse 2013.
This has been a problem for years and seeing that your solution now is just to provide a link that takes me to a million links? The whole reason I have been buying MyEclipse all these years–and recommending that my team buy it–is because you guys take these hassles away.
So why, then, after all these years does MyEclipse ship without a default Team setup for SVN? I have spent an hour trying to get it to work and neither Subclipse nor Subversion works. Everything fails with cryptic errors. I have pored over these logs but I have not found a simple way to add SVN access to MyEcipse and I am just about seething with anger over it.
So, PLEASE, tell me how do you setup SVN Access within MyEclipse?
And for the next version–for God’s sake–can’t you just pick the best one and make it work?
MyEclipse 10 was hopelessly broken and SVN could not really be used within it. I am so frustrated by this and I am STUNNED that the solution AGAIN is punting by Genuitec and giving us really no SVN Support other than sending us to a link–pushing the broken situation back into our laps.
I’m sorry that this is causing you so much trouble. However, MyEclipse doesn’t incorporate any SVN support. In fact, the only version control support is for CVS, which is provided by the eclipse base, which MyEclipse is built on.
In previous releases, we offered a slightly quicker way to install Subclipse or Subversive (which both provide SVN functionality), but neither of these is part of MyEclipse. With 2013, plugins can be searched for within the secure catalog or can be installed directly from a site (see the Help menu for install options). Within the catalog, other version control system support plugins can be found in Egit and Mercurial, as well as Subclipse and maybe other version control plugins.
Although I’m not clear on what you mean by “Team setup for SVN” or “SVN Access”, support for each third party plugin is provided by the developers of those plugins.
I’m not sure what problems you’ve had with SVN in previous releases of MyEclipse but, as far as we can tell, both Subclipse and Subversive plugins have been used successfully by many of our users, with only occasional problems with the installation of them.
The Subclipse home page can be found by clicking here. There is an Issues and Help tab on that page.
Subversive is an eclipse project so you may ask questions on the subversive eclipse forum, though the project does document other support routes.
If we can be of more help, please let us know.
Thank you for replying.I frankly find it odd that the MyEclipse team has found it acceptable to skip incorporating SVN plugins into your project. SVN is the most popular SCM that I know of, and getting it to work has always been a huge pain.
Going through your own forums you find numerous tales of woe trying to get Subversion or Subclipse plugins to work with your product.
I do see that MyEclipse has a history of bailing on SVN support. My only question is why? You have had your users begging you since 2004 to add this support. Rather than adding another bell and whistle that no one is asking for, why not actually add something that many people are asking for? Why is this beneath you. You are re-sellers of a base product that is by itself free. Isn’t giving value add-ons like SVN the sine qua non of your existence?
On the Mac version of MyEclipse that I use at home, I have never been able to get the SVN plugin to work correctly with MyEclipse.
It sounds like, because you’re a CVS shop, you won’t deign to add SVN support. This is just really frustrating to have to fight with this year after year. Whenever a vendor’s response to a question is: here’s a link to google–help yourself–my professional response has been to look for another vendor. Are you suggesting it’s time I and my team make nice with JetBrains?
To wit:
Error while installing the SVN Plugin for MyEclipse 7.5
https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/error-while-installing-the-svn-plugin-in-my-myeclipse7-5/MyEclipse 9.0 Not able to install SVN Plugin
https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/myeclipse-9-0-not-able-to-install-svn-plugin/Subversion Support?
https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/subversion-support/SVN Support?
http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2-printview-t-25536-start-0.htmlProblem Installing SVN on MyEclipse
https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/problem-installing-svn-plugin-in-myeclipse-7-1/Subclipse or Subversion?
JetBrains has gotten the message that they should not ignore what their users want.
If you look at my login, I have been a champion of MyEclipse since 2006.
The dismissive response you gave me just now makes me question my loyalty. This is a big issue.
Thanks for championing MyEclipse for the last 7 years; we really appreciate it.
I’m sorry you’ve had so many problems with SVN support in the past, though I didn’t notice any posts by you about it. Clearly, there has been the odd problem reported by users in the past but there hasn’t been much reported for a couple of years and we have no significant outstanding bugs related to SVN plug-ins.
The vote you linked to was interesting but I have no idea what the product strategy was 8 years ago; it may be that software configuration management (SCM) didn’t fit into the plans at the time. I’ve raised it with developers now, which might trigger a rethink but we certainly have no current plans to offer integrated support. I can’t really comment on why JetBrains has decided to provide the kind of support you’d like to see in MyEclipse.
Users are free to choose which SCM or SCMs they use and which plug-ins they want to provide that support. Currently, we find that there is a tendency to move towards Git as a repository, though SVN is still popular. The basic CVS support comes as part of the eclipse Classic base, so I’m not sure what you mean by our being a CVS shop. Internally, we make use of more than one SCM.
If you have specific problems with how your SVN plug-in of choice works with MyEclipse, we’d be happy to try to help if we can. From your opening post, it’s not clear what your exact problem is currently. Have you tried the other support routes for your plug-in?
Thanks again for your continued support of MyEclipse.