- This topic has 40 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
@support-piotr wrote:
Packaged deployment is meant to be the production level testing, so a whole archive is published to the server and because of this, there is no hot-syncing. You need to manually republish and that’s a feature, not a bug. If you need hot-syncing you have exploded mode.I assume you mean republish and restart… as republish did not work as reported above.
support-piotrParticipantI meant just republish. If republish is not working in your case, then we need to investigate as this might be a bug on our side, or on the server side – web app is uninstalled and then installed again.
I was a bit confused with what problem you are actually experiencing at first. Now, I can see that redeployment might happen to early. How big is the generated archive? Have you experienced similar issue with ME 2014?
Project 1:
This is totally self contained.
Exploded deployment to C:\wildfly-8.1.0.Final\standalone\deploymentsStart Wildfly (with Weld 2.2.2_final patch) server
BUG:1 – Exploded deployment is BROKEN in ME 2015 CI
When you change a file then Wildfly reloads the whole project <– BAD!!!! as this is exploded deployment.10:37:00,726 INFO [entermyevents.service.event.v1.EventService] (default task-33) <<< getParticipantsForEvent 10:37:41,112 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-11) JBAS017535: Unregistered web context: /entermyevents 10:37:41,129 INFO [org.jboss.as.jpa] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 61) JBAS011410: Stopping Persistence Unit (phase 2 of 2) Service 'entermyevents.war#entermyeventsDatasource'
I DO see a …..isdeploying file in the deployment area in Wildfly.
After a few times you get an exception in sun.nio.fs.WindowsWatchService@381b082b; BUT the server does carry on working.This makes the exploded deployment unusable especially if your persistence is”create-drop” and you have quite a few tables.
Project 2:
This has dependencies on 2 other projects in the project space.Trying
Exploded deployment to C:\wildfly-8.1.0.Final\standalone\deploymentsBUG:2 – Included Jars from other projects in project area (JEE Web Fragment Module) broken in BROKEN in ME 2015 CI (and in fact 2014!)
This is being fixed by an update on Friday (allegedly).BUG:3 – Deployment as packaged WildFly tries to reload too early – see above
War size= 18MBGeneral:
BUG:4 – Server Run does not remember LAST server run ME 2015 CI
The Server icon on the icon bar; in 2014 remembered your last “run” so you don’t have to hunt down menus to find the server and select “wildfly->run in debug”…
In fact under 2014 there was only “run” which did “debug” anyhow.
A small bug bug quite annoying as it takes time.
2014 I believe remembered even this over a restart of MyEclipse
“one click run”… very productive.
support-piotrParticipantThanks for the details.
Do you see similar behaviour with ME 2014 ? Try enabling “Use auto-deploy mode” in server configuration.
BUG 3:
How many files are in the project? I want to simulate the issue as best I can.
BUG 4:
Thanks for reporting this! Usability is one of the most important areas for now. I will file a bug for this and we will try to fix this ASAP. It might make for the next update release.
Do you see similar behaviour with ME 2014 ? Try enabling “Use auto-deploy mode” in server configuration.
Worked fine in 2014 (once you fixed those early bugs for me).
>> Try enabling “Use auto-deploy mode” in server configuration
I cannot find any such config!
BUG 3:
How many files are in the project? I want to simulate the issue as best I can.
Packages: 101
Class/Interfaces: 252
Lines of Code: 22015Sadly; the MyEclipse propertries does NOT count JSF files and/or AngularJS (Javascript) files…. as there are “heaps”…
That’s actually “Enhancement 1” .. as the stats are VERY useful!!!
BUG 4:
Thanks for reporting this! Usability is one of the most important areas for now. I will file a bug for this and we will try to fix this ASAP. It might make for the next update release.
Lastly (for tonight) when you select “always use this server” when you deploy a project; it doesn’t remember that either it seems!
Nice to have the “REST” capability that you added for Spring.. for standard JAX-RS
You know the one that looks for some spring annotation; @Something…. (memory escapes me)… and shows a view of all the rest calls with their params and the javadoc from the code.
It appears as a another “subsection” in the MyEclipse Explorer view as well I think
Thank you for your reports! I have reproduced all the bugs based on your input and filed them. They are targeted to be finished at the highest priority. I hope we will get them fixed for the update release tomorrow or on Monday.
It’s great that you find new tooling useful. Could you provide me with screenshot of it, so I know exactly what you mean? The “REST API” node in ME Explorer is something different, it allows you to browse and test REST services of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We are going to add more popular services on the way.
To clarify..
Nice to have this for the JEE side…
I assume you can “do ” this by looking for the JAX-RS annotations…
Your spring view just looks for “Request mapping”…
Sounds like its not too hard to do…
Your new MyEclipse 2015 CI “REST API” viewer (see the screnshot as its at the top of the left panel) is locked into ONLY working with systems that have exposed a WADL. So for looking at your “own” project its no use… 😉 the old rest viewer (from memory) allowed you to peek at your RESTful interfaces and poke about if you knew the URL and was very useful…Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.
Brian FernandesModeratorTony,
To clarify our new REST features:
1) The REST Explorer itself still allows you to explore rest services exposed by your own REST projects. Like our last explorer, it is WADL based, you can either use the “Test with REST Explorer” action in the context of a REST project or you can open the explorer itself from the toolbar and type in the URL yourself. So there is certainly no loss of functionality here.2) The API Explorer, at a fundamental level, is simply a reference to WADL files; in addition, it is capable of handling authentication too. We have seeded it with a few WADL files and as Piotr mentioned above, we’ll be adding to this list. If you want your service listed here, all you need to do is add a node to it with a reference to your WADL file (see context menu on REST API node). Of course, you need to ensure that your own service is deployed and running. The API explorer also opens the same REST Explorer in #1, of course – but with a pre-seeded URL and the right authentication method selected.
You know the one that looks for some spring annotation; @Something…. (memory escapes me)… and shows a view of all the rest calls with their params and the javadoc from the code.
Yes, this is cool and it is something we’re looking at making available for standard REST as well.
Hope this sheds some better light on the new REST capabilities.
Lets hope the servers (or MyEclipse) gets organised in creating the WADL automagically… to some standard URL based on the deployment.
Brian FernandesModeratorTony,
Just wanted to let you know that the other issues you brought up have been fixed and will be in the CI 2 release. We delayed the release to pick up these fixes, so it will be available on Monday.
@Support-Brian wrote:
Just wanted to let you know that the other issues you brought up have been fixed and will be in the CI 2 release. We delayed the release to pick up these fixes, so it will be available on Monday.
I genuinely feel honoured.
Great support.
Brian FernandesModeratorTony,
In case you hadn’t already checked, CI 2 was released yesterday and our installers have been updated on our download page today. You could simply take the update from within the product, of course.
Looking forward to your feedback.
@Support-Brian wrote:
In case you hadn’t already checked, CI 2 was released yesterday and our installers have been updated on our download page today. You could simply take the update from within the product, of course.
Looking forward to your feedback.
I have updated two of my may installs successfully from within the tool.
I was waiting till I could 100% say it was all working; but as you asked I can report that I am 95% sure all the bugs you fixed are indeed fixed.
I was working on the client side (Angular) and didn’t do “much” changing code on the server side to see it if redeployed; but just did a small test now and it didn’t re-deploy 🙂
I like the added touch that the “start server” on the icon bar actually changes its icon to the server type; nice touch… even it did take me a while to find where the old “grey box with the green play icon” had gone 😉
Brilliant Job.
Great support.I ma back to being Uber productive 🙂
Lets hope the server guys have got some test cases to use next time they do a deploy so it stays fixed..
+1 for adding more Angualr Support as its fast becoming the “view” of choice for new projects in SOOO many projects.
All you need is better “completion” and some “views”… I refer you to a previous post of mine requesting it…
I can confirm that I have not noticed any bugs in the deployment area.
I can make changes to method code and pages, as before, with no requirement to restart the server at all and see my changes instantly.
As before any changes to annotations, method sigs and configuration files require a server restart but the “memory” on the server button makes that a breeze.
I am using ME 2015 CI all the time now with no need to go back to an previous version.
Thx and pass on my thx to the development team.