
MyEclipse 4.0, Linux and JDK 1.5

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  • #229666 Reply



    I noticed that JDK 1.5 is required for MyEclipse 4.0M1 under Linux. Will this requirement be in the final release as well or is it possible that it would run under 1.4.2_x (x>05) as with the Windows version.


    #229700 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The requirement will be for the final version on Linux as well because 1.5 on Linux fixes an SWT/AWT interaction problem that prevents our UML feature set from working in 1.4.2 on Linux.

    #234264 Reply

    Stickybit AB

    Is this still valid, because on the download page it says:

    ” 2. MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 4.0 M2 for Linux (6/28/2005) Popular
    This is the second milestone release for MyEclipse 4.0 and is compatible with Eclipse 3.1. Make sure it is installed before downloading. You can download Eclipse here. You should also have JDK 1.4.2 or a later release installed before downloading.”

    Notice “JDK 1.4.2 or later”!

    While I am at it. The structure of the download pages are not to obvious.

    “Download MyEclipse for Eclipse 3.1” contains the 4.0M2. I thought that section would only contain stable releases.
    “Development releases” however, does not contain any 4.0M2 files “MyEclipse 4.0 M2 (0 Files)”.


    #234303 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The JDK 1.5 restriction is still correct; the web admin just made a mistake updating the page for M2. I’ve sent him an email asking him to correct it ASAP.

    While I am at it. The structure of the download pages are not to obvious.

    True. I’ve also asked that the Development Releases section be removed since we were using that for other purposes before 3.1.

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