Is this still valid, because on the download page it says:
” 2. MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 4.0 M2 for Linux (6/28/2005) Popular
This is the second milestone release for MyEclipse 4.0 and is compatible with Eclipse 3.1. Make sure it is installed before downloading. You can download Eclipse here. You should also have JDK 1.4.2 or a later release installed before downloading.”
Notice “JDK 1.4.2 or later”!
While I am at it. The structure of the download pages are not to obvious.
“Download MyEclipse for Eclipse 3.1” contains the 4.0M2. I thought that section would only contain stable releases.
“Development releases” however, does not contain any 4.0M2 files “MyEclipse 4.0 M2 (0 Files)”.