
Myeclipse 5.1’s key not working with Myeclipse 5.5 version!

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  • #271548 Reply


    may we able to use Myeclipse 5.1 key(account) to Myeclipse 5.5 ?

    Faisal khan

    #271571 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Your subscription is valid for *all* versions of MyEclipse, 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x as long as the subscription is active.

    #271608 Reply

    yeah, but i have downloaded 5.5 veersion, but i can’t unlock it using older key, would you etll me how to unlock 5.5 version, its still running on trial version.

    #271626 Reply

    Loyal Water

    On windows, the subscription information is stored at C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.myeclipse.properties. Can you see if this file exists, is writable by you, and it contains subscription information? Also, do you have any errors after setting the subscription and exiting stored at <workspace>\.metatdata\.log?

    #271655 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You need to explain what “I can’t unlock it using older key” means… when you launch the new install, go to MyEclipse > Update Subscription Information… have you entered your subscription information here? Does it say anything?

    Also Nipun is correct that the “global” location for your subscription information is at that location, if MyEclipse cannot write to that location, it will ask you for your subscription information each time you start.

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