
MyEclipse 9.1 and Glassfish 3.1.1 – constant redeploys

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  • #319401 Reply

    Scott Dunbar

    I’m experiencing a problem with MyEclipse 9.1 (Build id: 9.1-20110701) and Glassfish 3.1.1 where, when running under the IDE, Glassfish attempts to redeploy my application over and over. I’m not modifying any Java files or, indeed, any files and it just begins the redeploy process.

    I can’t consistently get this to happen but it happens often enough that I’ve temporarily switched to Netbeans as it doesn’t happen there or if I run on the command line.

    My environment is Ubuntu 11.04 64bit with the 64 bit version of MyEclipse. The JVM is 1.6.0_26.

    Again, I can’t consider this a bug yet as it doesn’t happen all the time. Any ideas? Anyone know a magic debugging flag that I can turn on in Glassfish to have the AutoDeployer tell me why it wants to redeploy? I’m still looking at the Glassfish code to try to find that.

    #319429 Reply

    Scott Dunbar

    For future reference – my application in development mode created a directory within my webapp. This updated the timestamp on the .war directory that MyEclipse had created on deploy which in turn caused Glassfish to redeploy.

    This wasn’t a problem in Tomcat but Glassfish uses any differences between the appname.war directory and the appname.war_deployed file. When the directory got updated the AutoDeployer kicked in.

    #319430 Reply

    Scott Dunbar

    @stdunbar wrote:

    …Glassfish uses any differences between the appname.war directory and the appname.war_deployed file…

    That should be any timestamp differences.

    #319494 Reply



    Good to hear you are all set. Thank you for sharing your observations, this will help other forum users. Let me know if you run across any other issues.

    Best Regards,

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