
MyEclipse and other Eclipse projects

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  • #253046 Reply


    Out of curiosity – are there any plans on the board regarding http://www.eclipse.org/callisto/ or http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/ or http://www.eclipse.org/atf/?

    #253171 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you be more specific as to what you mean?

    #254050 Reply

    Paul Webber

    If I download Callisto will I be able to install MyEclipse without conflict? Apologies to the original poster but this seemed a good place to be specific on Callisto which should be ready today.

    #254051 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    MyEclipse is based ontop of WTP 1.5, which is part of the Callisto release (a collective term relating to Eclipse 3.2 and 9 other projects). So installing Eclipse 3.2 then MyEclipse 5.0 will be fully compatible.

    We are currently wrapping up and getting ready to release MyEclipse 5.0 Miletsone 2 soon which is fully compatible with Eclipse 3.2

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