
MyEclipse Class Path Problems ?

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  • #200052 Reply


    I get the following error when using MyEclipse to deploy an EAR project to JBoss (Win XP Pro OS, JBOSS 3.2.2, MyEclipse latest for Eclipse 2.x)

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.scenescape.subscriber.sessionbeans.delegates.SubscriberFacadeDelegate.reg(Lcom/scenescape/subscriber/valueobjects/SubscriberVO;)V

    The class and method both exist in the app’s WEB-INF/classes directory. I have verified this several times.

    How do I find out what CLASSPATH is being used when I launch JBOSS from Myeclipse IDE ?


    #200059 Reply


    Regarding the “method not found” error:
    1) How is your app organized and deployed, e.g., Ear project w/ 1 webproject & 1 ejbproject)?
    2) In which project does is the SubscriberVO defined (web project, ejb project, both, common util project)?

    How to view JBoss launch info:
    When you launch JBoss in the debug perspective, from the debug view right-click on the JBoss java launch entry and view the properties. You should see the commandline used to launch JBoss.

    MyEclipse Support

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