
MyEclipse Features Gone Missing

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  • #315072 Reply

    I’m new to MyEclipse, so I’m probably just doing something wrong.

    However, if I right click a project, I’m supposed to see a bunch of options in the MyEclipse submenu. However, all I see is “open in explorer; send to mail recipient; run xdoclet.”

    I’m specifically looking for “add struts capabilities.” Also, it looks like the option to run a project under MyEclipse’s tomcat is missing. Additionally, I’ve lost the menu item to create a web services project.

    What am I doing wrong?


    #315107 Reply



    Can you please answer some questions for me to investigate further ?

    1) Can you share your build id from Help > About MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench? Please paste the build id here.

    2) How did you install MyEclipse ? Is it through Pulse/All-In-One installer/Archived Update site?

    3) Is your project a web project or a normal java project? Did you import it or create a new project?

    I would recommend you a quick fix using pulse. Please do the following –

    1. Open Pulse. (Start > Programs > Pulse > Pulse Explorer or download the same from http://www.poweredbypulse.com)
    2. Start Pulse
    3. Select appropriate Eclipse realm from the dropdown list. If you are on ME 8.6, select Eclipse Galileo; in case you are on 9.0, select Eclipse – Helios
    4. From My Profiles, Select your MyEclipse profile
    5. Right click on the same and click on re-install and run
    6. This will open a wizard which will guide you through the rest of the steps.

    Once done start the IDE, switch to a new workspace and create a new web project.

    Here is the tutorial for Struts :

    You can also find lots of support material to get working with ME :

    Let me know how it helps you.

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