
MyEclipse for spring lacks Mojarra 2.1.6

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  • #354183 Reply


    hi all

    I am at a mess with what to use MYeclipse 2015 or MYeclipse for Spring 2014

    I use mostly simple jsf spring hibernate app.

    MYeclipse for Spring 2014 has no latest Mojarra 2.1.6 which should have as the IDE is more expensive.

    we should pay more for latest services. isn’t it?

    Also why MyEclipse copies same tutorials to both IDE whereas each must use its own libraries. Should I have to add jsf2.1 myself or what

    I do not scaffolding if it does not support hibernate mapping.

    take care with regards


    #354189 Reply



    We recommend you use MyEclipse 2015 as it the latest release.

    For scaffolding we still support only JSF 2.0 and Mojarra 2.0.3. For non scaffolded projects, the JSF facet is 2.2 and supports Mojarra 2.2.4 version by default.

    I have raised an enhancement request to support Hibernate mapping during scaffolding. I am afraid I cannot give you a timeline for it at this point.

    We will keep you posted about it as and when we have more information.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

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