
MyEclipse no longer pushing files to webapp

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  • #201409 Reply


    I have found that if Eclipse crashes then when you restart it any changes you make in that session will not be deployed. Closing Eclipse and restarting it again then makes it work properly once more. This had me foxed the first time it happened but thankfully I usually remember now…

    This is with Eclipse 2.1.1 / 2.1.2 and MyEclipse 2.6.x / 2.7 RC1.

    #201422 Reply


    @steveh wrote:

    I have found that if Eclipse crashes ….

    I think you’re on to something. Eclipse doesn’t crash much on me, maybe once in a few days. The few times it has crashed on me has been while testing something in Tomcat, other than that I haven’t paid it much attention. I’ll try this, thanks.

    #247186 Reply


    The feature sheet for MyEclipse refers to “sync-on-demand” for certain types of server containers. A few lines later, about 20 servers are listed. How do I know if a particular server supports “sync-on-demand”? In particular, I am wondering about Tomcat 5 and Jboss 4. I am using exploded archives. I don’t have any subprojects. I am doing single-screen Ajax development, using a “Web Project” and have mainly Javascript and servlets, all in the same project. The servlet source is in ‘src’ and compiles to WEB-INF/classes.

    Also, I read the messages above and the second one refers to the preference setting at “Window > Preferences > Workbench > Perform build automatically on resource modification”. I wanted to check this setting, but I don’t have a “Workbench” option when I look at Preferences. Has this been renamed (I’m using 4.1.0) or am I set up wrong somehow?


    #247188 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am wondering about Tomcat 5 and Jboss 4.

    They both support it.

    I wanted to check this setting, but I don’t have a “Workbench” option when I look at Preferences. Has this been renamed (I’m using 4.1.0) or am I set up wrong somehow?

    It’s under General now: Window > Prefernces > General > Workbench should do the trick

    #247212 Reply


    I still don’t see “Workbench”, but I do see a “build automatically” checkbox in

    Window > Prefernces > General > Workspace

    Is that what you mean? It doesn’t say anything about “resources”.


    #247221 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Woops, yes, that’s it.

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