
MyEclipse not picking up Tomcat Library Path

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  • #243027 Reply

    my MyEclipse -> Application Servers -> Tomcat 4 ->path Preferences.

    Append to Library Path:

    lib – C:/oracle/ora92/jdbc/lib
    lib – C:/oracle/ora92/lib
    bin – C:/oracle/ora92/jdk/jre/bin
    bin – C:/oracle/ora92/bin

    I know it is little over 7 months since I made my last POST on this topic…But, I guess it is never too late…The last POST from pollux did the trick for me…I added

    bin - C:/oracle/ora92/bin

    onto my library path under Tomcat 5 preferences and started tomcat 5 using Myeclipse connector and this time I was able to access the oracle database successfully from my tomcat instance…

    I guess, this needs to be documented somewhere by the Support Team so that others dont go through the same learning process I did….

    But what I dont understand is, why

    bin - C:/oracle/ora92/bin

    needs to be there on the library path for accessing oracle through the Tomcat connector…. 🙄


    #243028 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If the oracle JDBC driver you are using has a native counter part (DLL) then you must make this available to the Tomcat runtime, so when it goes to make the connections to Oracle it doesn’t barf out.

    This seems odd, but is the norm with drivers that have native components to them.

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