- This topic has 38 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 10 months ago by
b4l4nc3rMemberMissed a sentence:
@Support-Brian wrote:
These fixes will make it to the MyEclipse for Spring 9 releases as well.
neydeMemberAll the enhancements in ME 9.0 M2 should be included in the MyEclipse for Spring milestone, which should come out shortly after ME 9.0 M2 is publicly available.
b4l4nc3rMemberUpdate please.
b4l4nc3rMemberI see ME9M2 is out. So I’m hoping 64bit 4S++ follows soon.
aelgaliMemberis there any updates on when ME4S 9.0 M1 is coming out?
b4l4nc3rMemberChang Of Plans? News? Should I try a different approach/workaround? Or do you like to keep your users on the uncertainty leash?
David WilkinsonMemberAny News as to what is happening about MyEclipse for Spring 9 as no milestones yet and not much communication as to why.
b4l4nc3rMemberNormally I enjoy silence in general. Having difficulty applying that in this case.
aelgaliMemberIn the last webinar of ME4S they mentioned M1 will be available max January, now it’s March and we haven’t heard back yet!!
b4l4nc3rMemberSomething potentially “fishy” is going on : D to enjoy myself with the current situation, sorry about that… having tried being serious about this whole thing from the start, it was time to switch my mental-state.
aelgaliMemberlol @b4l4nc3r, well I tried that before, it worked for 2.5 months now i’m in denial phase 🙂
b4l4nc3rMember😀 lets hope we don’t have to go through much more of counter-satisfying phases ; ) . They’re a good team, no doubt, so it’s probably worth it. But what the hell is going on over there???
PeterMemberNow that ME9 has been released, you must have something to tell us about Myeclipse for Spring???????!
b4l4nc3rMemberPerhaps they’re waiting to tell us good news. So it doesn’t feel compelling for them to say something about it that might trigger more questions & negative reactions. I still wonder what the complications were about though, but they might not be permitted to disclose or feel there is no point. Either way, this sucks, but it doesn’t change much. We want the product, lets hope they’ll be able to deliver soon. Perhaps ME4S has become either less important to spend much time on, or too important to risk any bugs, so would bring out the production-grade release. Or the process of integrating the MEpro improvements into the ME4S is far from a peace-of-cake forcing them in combination with time-limitations to minimize that process up to the last point or just a few ones? Then MEpro seems to be evlovling much more rapidly and ME4S doesn’t seem to keep up with the integration. Or they wanted to integrate enough Buzz-worthy features into the ME4S to attract maximum attention among potential new customers, which would support the speculation that it has became too important for them. Either way, again, left with speculations, and a lot of questions. Product release? Or no product release? That’s the question. Have to wait, since no better alternative : ) and I still let them deserve the benefit of the doubt that this delay also has our interest in mind, whether directly or indirectly. la la la la, hmm hm hmm hm…. tik tack tik tack…. wait a sec, I’ve better things to do… luckily I still manage with the amount of Heapspace currently available to my ME4S on machine, so I can continue experimenting anyway.
PeterMemberDelay for “good reason” is one thing. Lack of communication or worse ignoring your customers is another. We just want a prediction on release date, and ignoring your customers just makes them lose trust in your product.