
No Console Info on Starting/Stopping Derby Server

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  • #295616 Reply


    When I start or stop Derby database server from the tool bar icon, I should see a message in the console, but nothing appears there. (The Derby server does start however.) Similarly, if I start or stop Tomcat, no console messages appear either. How can I get the console display to work?

    I’m using Eclipse/MyEclipse 7.0 for OS X on OS X Leopard.

    Dennis Webb

    #295626 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    Can you try starting the MyEclipse Tomcat server and check if the console messages show up. Even if they dont show up, does the server start up ?

    Did you setup MyEclipse using the All in One installer?

    #295645 Reply



    Thanks for your quick reply. I just started up Derby and Tomcat before replying to your email, and for some unexplained reason both of them now are showing up in the console window. I tried EVERYTHING previously to get the console to work and nothing would do it. But now, this morning, suddenly the console is working perfectly. I don’t know what is different, but I guess my console is okay now. I can’t explain it.

    Thanks again,
    Dennis Webb

    #295699 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad everything is ok now. Thanks for letting us know.

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