
no deployment with external folders [closed]

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  • #207245 Reply


    If I open Eclipse and generate Web Module project in the folder where my source files are, everything works ok. I specify my Web Root folder, specify Tomcat 5 deployment folder and add Tomcat 5 in list for my project for auto deployment.

    I recently changed my source code structure, so that Eclipse project files are separated from the source code. Web Root folder is not within Eclipse project folder, it is rather linked as external folder. In this case my auto deployment does not work.

    #207249 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What do you mean by auto-deployement? You mean clicking the “deploy” button, or Hot Deploy, meaning things you change are automatically deployed?

    If its the second one, then we have an open bug report on this.

    #207268 Reply


    I just successfully created and deployed a web-project with the following configuration:

    src -> project local src folder
    src_linked -> linked source folder to external codebase
    webroot_linked -> linked web-root folder external to Eclipse workspace

    I then deployed the project to Tomcat5 in exploded format with no issues. The linked web-root folder presented no issues in this test scenario. I created a new JSP and it was hot-sync’d with the project deployment immediately.

    I was not able to setup this configuration up directly using ME2.7/2.8beta-1. I had to modify my project’s .mymetadata so that the webroot property points to my webroot_linked folder.

    How did you configure your project? Did you ensure that the output folder defined under project -> java build properties -> source points to your <linked web-root>/WEB-INF/classes folder?

    #207287 Reply


    My source folder structure contrains src/java and src/test folders. Also contains target/WEB-INF/classes folder. My Eclipse folder contains .project and .classpath file. In Eclipse project I am creating new folder “source” and externally linking it to folder “src” in my source structure. Note: my Eclipse folder is on c:/projects and my source folder is on d:/development/src. In Eclipse project I am specifing two folders as my source folders (Project->Properties->Java Build Path), source/java and source/test. Then, I am creating new folder target and externally linking it to “target” folder which contains WEB-INF folder on the other disk.
    When I re-compile my stuff, everything seems to be compiled properly and copied into WEB-INF/classes. I open deploy dialog, select my project and choose Tomcat 5 as deployment web server (exploded package). When I click Redeploy it just appear screen with progress bar (for less than a second) and it disappears. I get my web app folder created in Tomcat/webapps, but it stays empty.


    #207288 Reply


    I am using MyEclipse 2.6.200

    #207290 Reply


    I just created new Web Module Project, this time directly in src folder on d:/development/src, and everything is working. Issue is with external source and target folder.

    I created second project where only src folder was external and target was local. This works ok. Apparently, target make an issue if it is external folder

    #207292 Reply


    Thanks for the info. Earlier versions of MyEclipse deployer did not handle linked resources very well. Please upgrade to MyEclipse 2.7.x or even 2.8b1. I have been running my test cases using the 2.8b1 with no issues.

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