
No ME at new Job!!

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  • #233359 Reply


    After 6months using Eclipse and ME Ive started an internship at a firm where the best thing they have is Jbuilder 9. Im missing ME. Jbuilder has No xDoclet, its hard to use, slow, out of date. I keep thinking I should be cheeky and suggest to someone they should try ME. Are there prohibitive licencing issues for large firms? How does Eclipse and ME stack up security/stability wise with Jbuilder? From what ive seen ME is much better value than Jbuilder the licences are a fortune.



    #233369 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Are there prohibitive licencing issues for large firms?

    Not unless they object to saving a ton of money. You know, perhaps they have a tools budget that they have to spend and at only $30 / developer they wouldn’t know what to do with the extra money. šŸ˜‰ Seriously though, it works great for large companies and we have several customers that have large blocks of licenses, basically the same pricing model but with volume discounts at 50+. For a big team, we just cut you one group key that everyone uses. No worries.

    How does Eclipse and ME stack up security/stability wise with Jbuilder?

    We get converts from JBuilder all the time. Borland’s CEO just resigned because their earnings were so bad, but we continue to grow. I think your own experience reflects what we hear most often.

    From what ive seen ME is much better value than Jbuilder the licences are a fortune.

    Absolutely. In fact, MyEclipse licenses are far less than what you have to pay Borland for *maintenance* on a JBuilderl license. So, even if they’ve bought JBuilder and are only paying maintenance, they’d still save money.

    I’d suggest asking a few of the other developers if they’ve ever tried Eclipse or MyEclipse and see what the responses are. Development environments are a sensitive topic with most developers so you might want to tread lightly to get the “lay of the land” before you make any suggestions. You might discover that high up in their development ranks you’ll have one guy that drives the JBuilder decision, and he won’t change his mind no matter what. It certainly happens. But, it won’t hurt to start a casual conversation about development environments over lunch or something and see where it goes.

    #233571 Reply


    Thanks for that. I think the firm is very security/stability conscious but I noticed that lockhead martin are among the set of companies who use ME and Iā€™m guessing the biggest defence company on the planet will be clued up on security issues. At the end of the day an IDE isn’t a infrastructure components its merely a tool, the same javac compiler works away in the background after all.

    #233575 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Yes, IDE’s are just tools, not infrastructure components. We also have many customers in the finance industry, defense industry, and various branches of the US military and government. It’s more likely they use JBuilder simply because they’ve always used JBuilder.

    #233576 Reply


    One last question. Ive used ME in a purely windows environment, how easy would it be to configure the AS connectors to deploy projects from a windows development environment to a Unix based application server.

    #233587 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    It’s pretty easy if you can mount the Unix directory as a Windows drive. Check out the Remote Debugging quickstart in the documentation section here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

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