
[non-RHEL Linux] 5.0 M1 installation failed – missing libs

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  • #254447 Reply


    What about the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL (NPTL) bug in the installer script?


    #254506 Reply

    Michal Kuna

    thanks for response. i am sorry for emotions, but please understand – I don’t like loosing my time…

    #254531 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I saw your other post and fix for the script. However, it wasn’t clear to me what had to be changed for LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to work on any kernel version. I understood the manual workaround, but how should the script be modified to always work? If I have that, I can open a bug report with ZeroG for InstallAnywhere and get it fixed.

    #254660 Reply


    A similar problem exists for Fedora Core 5, but the extraction does not occur. Let me know if you’d like debugging details, but I’m going back to Eclipse 3.0 and the last compatable release right now.

    #254662 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thanks for the additional information. However, there’s no need to go back to Eclipse 3.0 just because the installer is problematic on your particular distribution. We provide zip archives for manual installation that are extremely simple to install. The instructions are available at the top of this forum here: http://myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-3424.html

    Please give Eclipse 3.2 and MyEclipse 5.0M2 a try; we think you’ll love the new features and enhancements: http://myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-81.html

    The full install / upgrade instructions are in the announcement here:
    Please give them a read before proceeding. 🙂

    #256513 Reply


    Thanks, Scott! Actually, the manual install was very, very easy, and I’ve been using that method. I noticed that the installer problem persists with the actual release of MyEclipse 5.0. If it’d be helpful for me to give some output information on this problem, just let me know.


    #256524 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately the problem is out of our hands since we’ve already posted the problem with Macrovision (makers of InstallAnywhere). They just don’t currently support a wide array of Linux distros, yet.

    On the manual install, please be sure to start Eclipse using a commandline like the following for proper launch:
    <path-to-eclipse>/eclipse.exe -product com.genuitec.myeclipse.product.ide -vmargs -Duser.language=en -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Dosgi.splashLocation=”<path-to-myeclipse>/eclipse/MyEclipseSplash.bmp”

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