
Page in landscape mode or not – ANSWERED

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  • #312583 Reply



    It would be very nice to have choice to validate if this project page can be in landscape or not.
    A landscape option /page would be very nice into properties

    Actually, if I start a fresh project with just one page, and I use landscape mode into emulator, I received the alert than explained “landscape mode not supported” from the project_custom.js file

    How can we activate lanscape for one page ?

    #312779 Reply


    I was reviewing the phoneui framework’s postOrientationChange(orientation) function and there is not a direct way to access the current page in the phoneui api during orientation change. The next release 1.0.1 will include such a function. In the meantime set a variable for the current pageId and update it from the postTranstion function.


    var currentPageId = “page-1”; //or whatever your start page id is

    function postPageTransition(newPageId) {
    currentPageId = newPageId;

    postOrientationChange(orientation) {
    if (currentPageId == ‘aPageWithOrientationConcern’) {
    //your page-specific orientation logic here

    Genuitec Mobile Team

    #312798 Reply


    Hi Wayne, Thanks for your answer.

    Waiting 1.01 for the complete added function

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