
Please Help me: Method should return an array

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  • #242964 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    Thanks for sending in the file. I see the export problem you mentioned. I could not however replicate the package issue you mentioned. You have some packages in the UMR that are contained in the model but aren’t placed anywhere on the diagram. Are you talking about those packages showing up in code generation? If you want to get rid of those, simply switch to package centric mode in the outline view and delete any unwanted elements. I will post back to this thread OR email you the file if we can get it repaired. Thank you for your patience.

    #243026 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    Our team has fixed a few bugs that would help Image export. THe Fixes will be out in the next release – 4.1M2. We have emailed you a fixed UMR that should allow you to export. Hope this helps.
    – Kapil

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)
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