
Problem creating New Project with 5.0 M1 developer release

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  • #253102 Reply


    I have installed the new MyEclipse 5.0 M1 release with Eclipse 3.2. I do File/New/Project. Then I select MyEclipse/J2EE Projects/Enterprise Application Project. Then I click “Next”. Then I fill in the project name. Both the “Define Web Project Modules” and “Define EJB Project Modules” are checked. I click “Next” to get to the Web Project Modules page. I then select “Create Web Project Module” and use the defaults. I then click “Next” to get the the EJB Project Modules page. I select the “Create EJB Project Module” and take the defaults everywhere else. I click “Next” which takes me to the summary page. But it only shows 1 step, Create MyProject enterprise project. In 4.1.1 it shows 2 extra steps for creating the web project and the ejb project. Since there is only 1 step here, when I click “Finish” it fails with a “No project modules assigned to enterprise project.” error. I never had a problem with something so basic as just creating a project. Can anybody else reproduce this?

    #253166 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I believe you send this to our support email address and the bug was infact confirmed and filed with a high prioiryt, we will get this fixed ASAP.

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