
Problem when renaming variable names

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  • #275061 Reply


    MyEclipse 6.0 including HotPatch-600
    Version: 6.0.0 GA
    Build id: 6.0.0-GA-200708

    When renaming a GUI component in a Matisse form the connected ActionListener is not renamed.

    * new java project
    * new matisse form
    * add a jbutton onto the form
    * add an action listener (actionPerformed) to that button
    * rename the button

    * ok: instance variable of the button is renamed
    * ok: the calling code in the ActionListener is renamed
    * fail: the called method is not renamed
    * result: not compilable code

    #275097 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Hi jhm,
    I was able to reproduce this at my end as well. Im going to file this as a bug for my dev team. Thanks for bringing this up.

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