
Question about managing env properties on jboss

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  • #226071 Reply

    I have a session bean that needs several custom env properties. I define these in ejb-jar.xml and fetch them via a call to context.lookup() (ie JNDI). This all works just fine.

    My question is about how I manage these properly. Tthe bean will get deployed on my production server which has different values for the env properties. If I just copy the .jar directory to the deploy directory on the target I will overwrite these.

    Am I correct to use the ejb-jar.xml file for this or should I put the env properties somewhere else?


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    #226112 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft dev, this is an EJB question.

    I will ask our EJB guy to have a look at this if he has time, in the mean time I encourage any users to share their ideas.

    #226142 Reply

    I ought to have said I’m using JBoss 4 earlier, but I think the question is somewhat generic

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