
RAM and ME Sluggishness

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  • #297204 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Thank you for the info, I PM’ed this to you, but just to make sure, you ran this test with MyEclipse 7.0 or 7.1? This was specifically the bug we fixed in 7.1 so I’m hoping you tested in 7.0

    #297218 Reply


    Yes Riyad. I tested it with 7.0. I have downloaded 7.1.1 (could not update it through the automatic update due to issues). Let me try if the same happens with 7.1 or not.

    #297644 Reply

    Curt King

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, guys. I’ve tested as thoroughly as I can with ME 7.1 and don’t see any network traffic that’s suspicious.

    I checked all the IP addresses that were accessed during my session — I only found three sites for which MyEclipse was responsible: the maven site, Google, and Pulse. All three appear to be accessed on ME startup, but then not again after that.


    #297987 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    We have 1 developer in-house that is finally able to reproduce this issue — we noticed while reproducing it that the hard-drive light on his computer goes solid, indicating the disk is thrashing on something — which means the context menu initialization is causing a huge amount of loading for some reason when this occurs.

    We’ve set aside about a week to investigate potential issues around this for 7.5 — we have a few ideas where to start looking, but they are all guesses at this point.

    #297991 Reply

    Curt King


    I’m glad you guys were able to reproduce the issue — and thanks for taking the time to do so. I know that there’s nothing worse that a bug you can’t recreate.


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