
Remote websphere 8 support

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  • #343862 Reply


    We are using WAS 8.0 and 8.5 with success from within MyEclipse.
    Can’t get REMOTE was support working for WAS 8.0
    All online erticles describe how to configure WAS 7.x. (not 8) does myeclipse 10.6.0 support WAS 8.0 ? Our configuration windows does not show any button ‘automatically detect settings from server shown here


    Is not vissuble to us.
    After proceeding the server is shown configured but says disconnected. The WAS installation directory on the remote server is Shared and a network share with full access and i have verified that the WAS SOAP port is accessibleat por 8881

    Any suggestions ?

    #343901 Reply


    MyEclipse Blue and Bling 10.7 support remote Websphere server 8.x connection. Please take a look at this latest tutorial for remote Websphere connection.

    ‘Automatically detect from server’ button is replaced with ‘Auto detect settings on server connection’ option. When this option is selected, it will go to the server for the information when needed, rather than immediately when you’re configuring the remote connector.

    Regarding the disconnected status, these refer to the debug connection. Remote servers work in debug mode only. So you can connect by clicking on the debug icon in the servers view. The debug connection is only possible if you have enabled debug, and specified the debug port, in the remote websphere connector configuration. This is in the second window of the wizard when creating or editing a server instance for the remote connector.

    Hope this helps and let us know how it works for you.

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