
Restart Required as rebuild does not work

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  • #316318 Reply

    Any little change in code is not reflected when doing a clean and rebuild. I have tried everything and the only thiing that works is to exit and restart. What am I doing wrong?!!

    MyEclipse For Spring
    Application Status
    App version: 0.1
    Grails version: 1.3.7
    Groovy version: 1.7.8
    JVM version: 1.6.0_23
    Controllers: 4
    Domains: 4
    Services: 0
    Tag Libraries: 11
    Installed Plugins
    filters – 1.3.7
    logging – 1.3.7
    i18n – 1.3.7
    core – 1.3.7
    servlets – 1.3.7
    codecs – 1.3.7
    urlMappings – 1.3.7
    tomcat – 1.3.7
    dataSource – 1.3.7
    groovyPages – 1.3.7
    controllers – 1.3.7
    mimeTypes – 1.3.7
    domainClass – 1.3.7
    converters – 1.3.7
    scaffolding – 1.3.7
    hibernate – 1.3.7
    validation – 1.3.7
    services – 1.3.7

    #316345 Reply

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