
SAXParserFactoryImpl Warning and XML Catalog Crash

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  • #216795 Reply


    Whenever I start elipse I get the following warnings:
    “IWAE0010E Run-time exception
    javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError occurred during
    validation. The validator being run was XML Validator and the message
    thrown was Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not
    I actually get this same warning twice.

    I have tried to use the
    Windows -> Preferences -> MyEclipse -> Editors -> XML -> XML Catalog
    to see what catalogs are present. However, when I click on XML
    Catalog the IDE throws a null pointer exception and the IDE freezes.

    Per the posting guidelines, I have set forth environmental information
    below. In addition to the required environmental data, I would point
    out that I use xerces-2.6.2 built with DOM Level 3 support and that
    jar is in the jdk ext directory.
    When I run javap org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl, the
    class is available on the classpath.

    While the warning is a nuisance, the inability to add catalogs is a
    problem. I have a large corpus of xml catalogs including catalogs for
    DocBook and jboss. The DocBook catalogs are used in building web pages
    and need to be added to the IDE XML Catalog list.

    I have seen postings about turning off validation, but I have seen an
    explanation of how one does that. However, I really do not want to
    turn off validation.


    Q. What operating system and version are you running ?
    A. Solaris 2.8

    Q. What Eclipse version and build id are you using ?
    A. Version: 3.0.1, Build id: 200409161125

    Q. Was Eclipse freshly installed for MyEclipse ?
    A. Yes

    Q. Are any other external plugins installed ?
    A. No

    Q. How many plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory are like
    org.eclipse.pde.* ?
    A. Seven (7), to wit:

    Q. What MyEclipse version are you using ?
    A. 3.8.2

    Q. What JDK version are you using to run Eclipse ?
    A. jdk1.5.0

    Q. What JDK version are you using to launch your application server ?
    A. jdk1.5.0

    Q. What steps did you take that resulted in the issue ?
    A. Start Eclipse

    Q. What application server are you using ?
    A. jboss-4.0.0


    Art Vossberg

    #216805 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Shut down Eclipse and temporarily move all your libraries in your /ext dir of your JDK out onto your desktop or something, then start Eclipse again. Are you able to navigate to the Catalog? Does the error still occur?

    #216808 Reply


    Shut down Eclipse and temporarily move all your libraries in your /ext dir of your JDK out onto your desktop or something, then start Eclipse again.

    I did that before posting. The error remained.

    .Are you able to navigate to the Catalog? Does the error still occur?

    Yes, I can see XML Catalog on the radar, but IDE still freezes with null pointer exception
    if I click on XML Catalog



    #216816 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Can you try running Eclipse with a 1.4 JDK instead of 1.5? You’ll still be able to use 1.5 features internally, but neither Eclipse nor MyEclipse currently tests on 1.5. You can specify the -vm commandline option to point to javaw like this:
    eclipse -vm /<path-to-jdk>/javaw

    #216838 Reply


    Can you try running Eclipse with a 1.4 JDK instead of 1.5? You’ll still be able to use 1.5 features internally, but neither Eclipse nor MyEclipse currently tests on 1.5.

    This worked in the sense that I could access the XML Catalog entries and add User Entries. However, like many solutions, this solution had some serious side effects: All jars and class files that were built with jdk1.5.0, and I have quite a few — most notably xdoclet-1.2.2-SNAPSHOT and hibernate-2.1.6, created class loader exceptions.

    You can specify the -vm commandline option to point to javaw like this:
    eclipse -vm /<path-to-jdk>/javaw

    I then tried this approach, although on solaris there is no javaw complier (javaw is the web start app). Thus, I started eclipse with

    eclipse -vm /usr/j2se/bin/java

    . I then tried manipulating the java vm for the hibernate project I am working on but could not escape the class loader problem.

    PS: After loading net.sf.servereclipse-0.1.2 and the mavenide plugins the SAXParserFactoryImpl warning somehow magically disappeared. I am not sure why but I suspect some other xerces/jaxp jar or a jaxp.properties file has found its way into the IDE.

    The bottom line at this point is that having suceeded at getting a couple of User Entries into the XML Catalog, I found the file <eclipse_workspace>/.metatdata/.plugins/com.ibm.etools.xmlcatalog/user.xmlcatalog that holds the new User Entries and I suspect I can add entries by hand based on the apparent schema. This approach is actually faster than using the XML Catalog from within the IDE, since I can use emacs and copy and paste to that file but, for some unknown reason can not copy and paste from emacs to the IDE -> … -> XML Catalog screen.

    Before signing off on this post, is there any timetable for making Eclipse/MyEclipse tiger compatible. In that regard, I do note that in building Eclipse from source there are a large number of source files that use the newly resurrected enum keyword. Other than the infilnetely ignorable varargs complaints from tiger this was the only other complaint during the build. Having built a number of large software projects with tiger from beta through the just released final, I would be glad to help with this transition.



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