
Session factory not created for configuration

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  • #298684 Reply

    Ramiro Ordonez

    I saw a posting regarding this issue, however this solution wouldn’t apply to my project. My current set up is using hibernate and spring capabilities. The whole DB has already been mapped using hibernate’s reverse engineering. We had to add 2 extra tables to the schema. Now we have two issues:

    First: if we want to execute an HSQL Query we get: Session factory not created for configuration: <Project>

    Second: When reverse engineering the tables we get: An internal error occurred during: “Generating Artifacts”. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.

    So following all the threads on this site, I verified that I have the correct jtds driver in our classpath. Obviously, it was working before while we were reverse engineering the Database at the beginning of the project. Also, I created another dabase connection using the same driver and we are able to browse the schema without an issue. Some how the session created by Hibernate is lost?

    This is the session configuration in my Hibernate.conf.xml:

    <?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
    “-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN”

    <!– Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools. –>

    <property name=”connection.username”>******</property>
    <property name=”connection.url”>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://devre10:1433/MSSRELENG_NEWER</property>
    <property name=”dialect”>org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect</property>
    <property name=”myeclipse.connection.profile”>
    jTDS SQL Driver
    <property name=”connection.password”>*******</property>
    <property name=”connection.driver_class”>
    <property name=”query.factory_class”>
    <property name=”current_session_context_class”>
    <!– org.hibernate.context.ManagedSessionContext –>




    Also when reverse engineering I defined the location of the Spring’s applicationContext.xml. The session is defined as follows:


    <!– Default sessionFactory –>
    <bean id=”sessionFactory”
    class=”org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean” lazy-init=”false” scope=”singleton”>
    <property name=”configLocation” value=”classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml”>

    <!– Default transactionManager –>
    <bean id=”transactionManager”
    <property name=”sessionFactory” ref=”sessionFactory” />

    <!– Implemented sessionManager to handle long conversations –>
    <bean id=”hibernateSessionManager” class=”com.crd.sessionmanagement.HibernateSessionManager” scope=”singleton” lazy-init=”false”>
    <property name=”sessionFactory” ref=”sessionFactory” />

    Why did we all of a sudden lose the capability to reverse engineer the tables? Why are those errors showing up? This project is just too big for us to create a new project and implement Hibernate capabilities from the start. There has to be a way to provide back that capability to our project.

    Any suggestions are welcome


    #298694 Reply

    I could not reproduce your issue at my end.
    Can you give more information –
    1. Can you copy paste your installation details? You can get them from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details
    2. What are the versions of Spring and Hibernate you are using?
    3. Are there any errors logged in the log files(workspace > .metadata > .log)?
    4. Are there any errors in your error window? can you send us the screen shots?

    #298720 Reply

    Ramiro Ordonez

    @support-shalini wrote:

    I could not reproduce your issue at my end.
    Can you give more information –
    1. Can you copy paste your installation details? You can get them from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details
    2. What are the versions of Spring and Hibernate you are using?
    3. Are there any errors logged in the log files(workspace > .metadata > .log)?
    4. Are there any errors in your error window? can you send us the screen shots?

    Installation details:
    *** Date:
    Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:03:22 AM EDT

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1.0
    Java version=1.5.0_11

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 7.1.1
    Build id: 7.1.1-20090310

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 7.1.1
    Build id: 7.1.1-20090310

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080731-9I96EiDElYevwz-p1bP5z-NlAaP7vtX6Utotqsu
    Build id: M20080911-1700

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080709-0800-7o7tEAfEF_U5qyUgrb2HAp539P97
    Build id: M20080709-0800

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080731-7T7U0E9mlRIuGUYviF_VP
    Build id: M20080703-0800

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework GEF

    Version: 3.4.1.v20080806-67718083A56B4H2A3213573
    Build id: 200809101400

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.4.100.r341_v20080814-989JESIEdAciFYfkZZsBfSwQ2341
    Build id: M20080703-0800

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\myeclipse.exe
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.101.R34x_v20080731\eclipse_1115.dll
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.0\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20080819.jar
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\Common\binary\com.sun.java.jre.win32.x86_1.5.0.011\bin\client\jvm.dll

    Using Hibernate 3.2 and Spring 2.5

    These are the detail steps of what’s happening:

    1. I right click on the table that I want to reverse engineer.
    2. I have the wizard create the abstract class and the DAO (Spring DAO) for me and click next

    Once I click finish I get the following error:

    Problem Occured:

    An internal error occurred during: “Generating Artifacts”.

    error from the .metadata/log:
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.jobs 4 2 2009-05-26 10:11:40.419
    !MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: “Generating Artifacts”.
    !STACK 0
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob.checkRESettingsFile(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:184)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob.run(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:379)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.jobs 4 2 2009-05-26 10:17:33.379
    !MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: “Generating Artifacts”.
    !STACK 0
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob.checkRESettingsFile(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:184)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob.run(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:379)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)

    #298780 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Have you installed any other plugins (like Hibernate Tools) or is this a clean MyEclipse 7.1.1. install? You seem to be running into an issue where the plugin providing some functionality cannot be loaded.

    Can you clean your error log, restart your workspace and then attempt to reverse engineer; please paste the entire contents of the .log file here so we can figure out if anything is causing the plugin load / init to fail.

    How did you install MyEclipse? Perhaps we can provide some instructions on resetting the installation. Alternatively, you could try to download MyEclipse 7.5M1 and see if that solves your problem.

    #299986 Reply


    I am having the same exact problem. I am trying to install 7.5; hopefully, this will fix this issue.

    #311405 Reply


    I am using the Oracle database. but encounter the same problem.
    But, if I use MySQL, it will work fine.
    I have no clue.

    #311406 Reply

    Can you give us some more information on this?
    1. Can you copy paste your installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details?

    I am using the Oracle database

    what is the jar file that your are using and what is the version of Oracle?
    3. What are the errors logged in the log file located at workspace dir > .metadata > .log? Please clear your log file, save it and then RE the new tables to get relevant errors

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