
ShortCuts and support for Hibernate3 / EJB3

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  • #244984 Reply

    +1 to EJB3

    #245115 Reply


    MyEclipse 4.1 GA is just out now with no EJB3 enhencement. EJB3 is becoming more and more popular as people understand how easier it is. Are there real plans for it in the next version ? Integration of the good work done elsewhere (Dali, WTP, …) ?

    Just want to know if we will get something in this area next time.


    #245128 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are waiting for the existing EJB3 projects to get to a better maturity point but yes, EJB3 is tenatively planned for our 5.0 release. The reason I say tenatively is there is going to be major work structurally to MyEclipse for the 5.0 release and depending on how smoothly that goes we adjust the features that make it in.

    #247377 Reply


    +1 for EJB 3.0 here too!

    All of our future in-house development will revolve around Java EE and I’d like our tool of choice to be MyEclipse simply because I prefer it and it is *very* cost-effective.

    We will surely be using EJB 3.0 in the very near future…I’ve already been asked to find a tool or “stack” that supports it well enough to begin using it. So far I haven’t found anything other than Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 that (seriously) supports it…and I think MyEclipse has a lot more going for it…for one, being built on eclipse…which I love.

    However, we’re a big PeopleSoft customer and will likely be using Oracle in the future…so we may be pushed in such a direction that we have no choice…please get EJB 3.0 support in MyEclipse!


    #269459 Reply


    Please see the latest MyEclipse 5.5 milestone-2 release for EJB3, JPA, and new JSF WYSIWYG support. Facelet support will be avaliable in MyEclipse 5.5 GA in mid-May.

    You can find the new and notworthy doc here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-110.html

    Thanks for your encouragement and support. We will continue to improve these features to provide the most productive and cost effective development tools available. Please help us spread the word in your blogs and other correspondence. Every little bit helps.


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