
starting tomcat: cannot connect to vm

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  • #318088 Reply


    Kates (sorry about the mistake in your name),

    I’ve asked a development team member to look at your problem, as they may come up with something we haven’t thought of.

    In the meantime, I wonder if there are any plugins that both you and Ryan have installed that may be interfering, in some way. One of the things I might do is install another fresh copy of MyEclipse 9.1, with no extra plugins and seeing if the problem persists. If you’ve already downloaded a MyEclipse installer, this shouldn’t take very long.

    Hopefully, we can get back to you with some more ideas before too long.

    #318090 Reply



    It will help to know if the tomcat process actually does go away when you stop it. Could you open the Windows Task Manger, go to the Processes tab and sort on name. There should be a myeclipse.exe process but no java process, unless you have something else running. Start tomcat in debug mode and look to see which java process starts up, in the Task Manager. Then stop tomcat and check that the process associated with it goes away.

    Also, how are you stopping the tomcat server? Is it via the console stop button or the servers stop button, or some other method? It shouldn’t make any difference but the information might help.

    By the way, where are you located? I realise that this must be frustrating, especially as we normally only get in one exchange per day, due to time differences (we have support staff in different countries).

    #318104 Reply

    Patrick Kates

    No plugins – this is a clean install using the MyEclipse installer on a brand new laptop. Our workspaces were copied from our previous laptops/MyEclipse 8.6 installs, but I have created a blank workspace and still receive the same error.

    It doesn’t matter which way you stop the tomcat, the problem still occurs. According to task mgr the process really does die. One interesting thing is that when you stop it via the menu’s Stop Server command there is no shutdown output printed to the console in MyEclipse. It just stops as if you’d hit the kill process command in the debugger/console.

    We are in the Eastern/USA timezone.

    #318175 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    The traces you mentioned earlier have two root causes

    Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind


    Caused by: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

    Is the first what you keep getting when you attempt to restart Tomcat in the same (and first) MyEclipse session and the second what you consistently see after you restart MyEclipse -restarting MyEclipse does not solve the problem, right? Can you please confirm or correct my statements here?

    We are quite perplexed as to what the problem might be, especially given that the process is guaranteed to not be running with the checks you have made.

    Run “netstat -a -n -o” when you first start MyEclipse and observe the number of active connections it has. Does this number go up after your start Tomcat in debug mode? Does it reduce after you stop the server in debug mode?

    The last suggestion I have, is to try the solution mentioned here for your external server (changing the shutdown port): http://javahowto.blogspot.com/2007/01/tomcat-startup-failed-address-already.html i.e. Change Tomcat to use another port number by editing

    <Server port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

    *If* you have a heavy workspace, I would also recommend editing myeclipse.iini (in the directory containing the myeclipse.exe file) and increase the amount of memory you are running with – low memory is sometimes known to cause such issues. So increase the -Xmx as well as the MaxPermSize values.

    #318193 Reply

    Patrick Kates

    Sorry for the confusion, but no. The probelm never occurs on the first start of Tomcat after restarting MyEclipse. The first start works and each subsequent attempt aftr that fails until you restart MyEclipse.

    Ryan and I are getting slightly different error messages – I would theorize that is because he updated to 9.1 in an attempt to fix this, but I’m still runing 9.0.

    I have attempted changing the shutdown port on Tomcat – it did not make a difference.

    I have created a blank workspace and still receive this error.

    When I start MyEclipse netstat reports:

      UDP          *:*                                    4040
      UDP    [::]:55979             *:*                                    4040

    After starting Tomcat netstat reports:

      TCP              LISTENING       4040
      TCP        ESTABLISHED     4040
      UDP          *:*                                    4040
      UDP    [::]:55979             *:*                                    4040
      TCP               LISTENING       5900
      TCP               LISTENING       5900
      TCP              LISTENING       5900
      TCP        ESTABLISHED     5900

    After stopping tomcat:

      UDP          *:*                                    4040
      UDP    [::]:55979             *:*                                    4040

    After attempting to restart tomcat and failing with the bind error netstat reports:

      UDP          *:*                                    4040
      UDP    [::]:55979             *:*                                    4040
    #318194 Reply

    Patrick Kates

    Some new info for you that we have discovered.

    We run a piece of software called Netmotion that allows us to VPN into our network. If we uninstall the software we no longer have the restart/debug mode problem. Simply bypassing the software doesn’t work, it has to be un-installed.

    We have used Netmotion previously with myeclipse 8.6 with no problems. However even 8.6 with the current version of Netmotion has this same restart/debug problem.

    We have talked with our IT staff and they got us an updated version of the software, but it did not solve the problem.

    Also, as a work around we have disovered that we can start the tomcat externally to myeclipse and then attach to it successfully for debugging. This still isn’t as convenient as starting and stopping from inside myeclipse though.

    btw hate the new captcha stuff.

    #318250 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    If netmotion is just software for VPN (and not security software like Norton Internet Security) then it does seem to be over extending itself by causing these sorts of problems; especially given the fact that it worked with previous versions of netmotion. Perhaps you could also contact their software team?

    Nevertheless, we’ll try to install it here and see if there is some way we can work around it, but from the extent to which it seems integrated (the fact that you have to uninstall it to get things working); I do not have much hope. The failure within MyEclipse too is at a rather fundamental level, beyond MyEclipse code where Eclipse, through the JVM is trying to establish a debug connection.

    Unfortunately the captcha is necessary due to over a hundred smut posts that we were seeing across the forum every day. What don’t you like about it – I’ll try to address your concerns.

    #318258 Reply

    Patrick Kates

    @Support-Brian wrote:

    Perhaps you could also contact their software team?

    I’ve asked our IT staff to do that.

    @Support-Brian wrote:

    Nevertheless, we’ll try to install it here and see if there is some way we can work around it,

    It appears to be specific to the Win 7 Pro 64 bit / Netmotion 64 bit combination. At least we did not have the issue under Win XP Pro 32. I tried to install the 32 bit version of netmotion but it would not install.

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