
Status changes to Redeploy when re-opening MEB

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  • #322325 Reply


    I have successfully deployment to the server. (OK status). When I close MEB and open MEB, the status changes to Redeploy. I Redeploy and it goes back to OK, but closing MEB and re-opening changes it back to Redeploy again. Is there a way to stop it from changing status and having to redeploy?

    MEB version info:
    Version: 8.6.1 Blue
    Build id: 8.6.1-Blue-20101117

    The server is a WebSphere 7 server.

    #322334 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into issues. I am afraid, your issue is not clear. Please provide below details to help me investigate –
    1. Open MyEclipse Blue IDE, from menu options click on MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and copy and paste the same here
    2. You mention redeploy. What is the application server you are deploying to? What is the type of project you are working with? Please provide more specifics
    3. Please attach screenshot to help me get a visual and elaborate the steps in detail to help me reproduce the same at my end
    4. Clear your .log file located at [your workspace dir]/.metadata/.log, replicate the issue and attach file here

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