
Stepping into JSP include files does not work [Closed]

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  • #205430 Reply


    I have attempted to set a breakpoint in a JSP include file and it does not seem to register as a valid breakpoint (ie, the checkmark does not appear on the breakpoint icon).

    If I set a breakpoint on the master file and step over the included portion it appears that the current instruction line is updated but the included file is not displayed. The stepping appears to point at the correct line number of the included file but doesn’t open the included file.

    If it makes any difference, we name our include files with the extension ‘.inc’ rather than ‘.jsp’ to stop MyEclipse and Weblogic from attempting to compile them as they are not valid JSPs in their own right.

    – System Setup ——————————-
    Operating System and version: Win2k SP4
    Eclipse version: 2.1.2
    Eclipse build id: 200311030802
    Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): n
    If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager? n
    Other installed external plugins: plenty
    Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*: 10
    MyEclipse version: 2.7.0
    Eclipse JDK version: 1.4.2_04
    Application Server JDK version: 1.4.1
    Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? n

    – Message Body ——————————-

    #205431 Reply


    Sorry, I just found the bug “Problems debugging JSPs with includes/fragments [Bug]” which I believe is related to the problem I am having.

    We are using Weblogic 7.0 and an Ant script to do our own deployment.


    #205433 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for staying vigilant with searching and finding the answer.

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Reply To: Stepping into JSP include files does not work [Closed]

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