
Stop icon greyed-out for OC4J

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  • #248169 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It appears to occur with all the app servers, the fix is to run in debug mode.

    #248523 Reply


    I’m facing a related start/stop oc4j issue. I’m using Eclipse 3.1.1 and MyEclipse 4.1.1 (Fresh install – no plugins)
    My start/stop process works fine only in the first run [running OC4J 9.0.4 in Debug mode]. In the following start procedures the start process unexpectedly call the debug perspective and open a unknow class.
    If I close the workspace and open it again the start process don’t call de debug perspective for the firs time. (see logs bellow)

    Follows the debug thread message (message showed in the debug perspective after start):

    Thread [main] (Suspended (exception FileNotFoundException))
    FileInputStream.open(String) line: not available [native method]
    FileInputStream.<init>(File) line: 106
    ZoneInfoFile$1.run() line: 910
    AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction) line: not available [native method]
    ZoneInfoFile.readZoneInfoFile(String) line: 904
    ZoneInfoFile.createZoneInfo(String) line: 520
    ZoneInfoFile.getZoneInfo(String) line: 499
    ZoneInfo.getTimeZone(String) line: 524
    TimeZone.getTimeZone(String, boolean) line: 448
    TimeZone.getDefault() line: 522
    SimpleDateFormat.initialize(Locale) line: 500
    SimpleDateFormat.<init>(String, Locale) line: 443
    SimpleDateFormat.<init>(String) line: 424
    TimestampedPrintStream.<init>(OutputStream, boolean) line: 45
    TimestampedPrintStream.<init>(OutputStream) line: 38
    ApplicationServer.initSystemStreams() line: 987
    ApplicationServer.launchCommandline(String[]) line: 867
    OC4JServer.launchOC4JCommandline(String[]) line: 150
    OC4JServer.main(String[]) line: 224

    !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.core 1 0 2006-03-13 18:24:02.265
    !MESSAGE Hard Shutdown: oracleServer
    !SESSION 2006-03-14 10:00:00.171 ———————————————–
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
    Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.debug.ui 4 120 2006-03-14 10:00:28.890
    !MESSAGE Error logged from Debug UI:
    !STACK 0
    at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.StreamsProxy.write(StreamsProxy.java:108)
    at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.console.ProcessConsole$InputReadJob.run(ProcessConsole.java:669)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:76)

    #248525 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is the phantom breakpoint issue we’ve seen before a handful of times from the early Eclipse 2.x days. Go to your debug perspective and your break points view, right click and do a Remove All, then restart using the -clean command line argument, see if that helps.

    #248526 Reply


    None. The Remove All option is not enabled (look like there is no breakpoints set). After close and open the workspace, the start process is ok. But that occurs only in the firs run. After that, all start call this phantom breakpoint. I already used the -clean option, but the problem persist. I’ll try to configure and test the start/stop procedure with a new OC4J 9.0.4 install.

    #248527 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The only workaround I’m aware of is a new workspace for phantom breakpoints if that is the same issue.

    #248554 Reply


    I think that it is not the same phantom breakpoint problem. The start/stop process in 4.1.1 is not stable (I could not afford to create a new workspace or restart it all the times that I need to start my container). I tested myeclipse 4.1.1 with eclipse 3.1.1 and OC4J 9.0.4 and the problem persist. I’m out of ideas, so I downgrading to 4.1.0 (that works fine. the only problem is the stop button in the console view that did not stop OC4J).
    Thanks and I hope to see the solution for this start/stop OC4J problem soon.

    #248555 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Would you be able to upgrade to OC4J 10.1.3 I believe is the version or 10.1.2? I have 10.1.3 installed and do not see this issue.

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