
Struts 1.1 vs 1.2 vs 1.3?

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  • #265172 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Is there a breakdown/comparison of the different versions of struts and what has changed in them somewhere? I’m having a hard time finding anything via google.


    #265199 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Not that I’m aware of. I know that as Struts has continued it’s gotten more and more “magic” type classes where as older struts is more straight-forward wrapping of Servlet programming.

    I know that doesn’t help much, but at one point I knew… now in my old age I’ve forgotten.

    #265218 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Magic-type classes? I’m almost afraid to ask.

    Anyway – just trying to figure out what’s really changed over those versions and see what – if anything – is useful when moving from Struts 1.1 to 1.2/3.

    If you find anything let me know.

    #265219 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    They don’t have the old changelog from the 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 releases on the Struts site?

    #265220 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Well, I couldn’t find it.. Of course I just tried to dig around on the main documentation links.. I figured that would be the most obvious play to find a “What’s New” type of thing…

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