
Struts 1.3.x…

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  • #267491 Reply

    I would like to use the Struts 1.3 libraries in new projects but it does not appear that I can easily do so in the latest version of ME (5.1.1). Following is a brief overview of the modifications I have made in my attempt to make this work.

      1) I have added a new section (1.3) to the easystruts plugin (com.genuitec.eclipse.cross.easystruts.eclipse_5.1.1/data/) and copied in the appropriate libs and tlds.
      2) I have added a new base classes section in the preferences.ini file in the above directory as well.
      3) I added the appropriate entries to the plugin.properties and plugin.xml in com.genuitec.eclipse.struts_5.1.1.
      4) I created appropriate templates in the wizards plugin directory (com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_5.1.1).

    Still, I must be missing something. When I open up the preferences for the Struts capabilities, I do not see a 1.3 tab. Are these not dynamically generated by the plugin from the data directory?

    I don’t consider this a feature request because it is not “new” functionality, it is merely an updated set of libraries for currently supported functionality. Please let me know what I am still missing so that I can make this work.

    I will be happy to write a detailed procedure document and post for the community once all the pieces come together and work (like Dave Oriss did with the Seam examples – nice job, Dave!)


    Windows XP Pro/SP2
    Eclipse 3.2.2GA
    MyEclipse 5.1.1GA
    Subversive 1.1.0 RC6a

    #267591 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    A much faster workaround would be to:
    1) Create a new User Library with Struts 1.3 libs in it.
    2) When you add Struts caps to your project, at the bottom uncheck both the checkboxes to avoid adding JARs and TLDs to the project.
    3) After you add Struts caps, go to the project’s biuld path and add your User Library.

    You should be all set then.

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