
Super Slow debugging in ME4S 9.1

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  • #321146 Reply

    Bill Warshaw

    I need some help with ME4S 9.1. I have a fairly simple JUNIT test that I’ve been using which has suddenly hit a brick wall during startup when debugging. For reference, when I “Run As / JUnit Test” the test starts up and is running my test code in about 3 seconds. When I “Debug As / JUnit Test” it takes over 1 minute to hit the same point.

    Running the same project in STS shows no real difference in startup time between “Run as” and “Debug as”. – they are both around 3 seconds to startup.

    Any advice?

    #321191 Reply


    I don’t know why debug would be that much slower. Offhand I can’t think of anything that would be so different in the MyEclipse for Spring product that would impact the performance of debugging. The eclipse environments are physically different installs so I’d look for differences between the two working environments like memory settings and maybe the number of breakpoints set.

    I’ve heard of people having extreme slowness if they have many breakpoints in their breakpoints list, especially ones that correspond to code that has moved, or breakpoints set at the method level. You could try clearing all breakpoints from the IDE to see if that helps (assuming of course that you haven’t already done that).

    #321240 Reply

    Bill Warshaw

    YES! That was it!!! I only had 5 breakpoints set, but when I removed them all debugging returned to normal.

    Thanks so much Cindy!!!

    #321268 Reply


    That’s great news! Thanks for posting back, hopefully this will help someone else in the future.

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