
Support Request Template

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  • #701735 Reply


    Problem Report Template

    If you are experiencing a problem with Copilot4Eclipse installation, configuration or operation, please use the following template to provide us the information we need to assist you. Our goal is to help find a resolution for your issue as quickly as possible.

    1. Please describe the issue you are experiencing. Include as much detail and relevant context and timing information as possible. Since we can not see your screen we rely on you to be our eyes into the problem. Avoid vague, ambiguous or off-topic problem descriptions.

    1a. Describe the steps to reproduce if possible. Include any timing information if relevant.

    1b. Provide screenshots. It’s true that a screenshot can be worth a thousand words. If you have difficulty attaching 1 or more images to your forum post please send them to support@genuitec.com and reference your post title.

    1.c If Copilot4Eclipse is operational, open the Status Dialog and include that info in your problem report. Select the Copilot4Eclipse menu > Status: menu

    1.d Please include useful errors in your Eclipse error log. You can find the Eclipse Error Log View at Window menu > Show View > General > Error Log. Alternatively it can be quicker to send us your entire Eclipse error log. This can be found at Help menu > About > Installation Details > Configuration Tab > View Error Log button. If you have difficulty attaching a .log file to your discussion topic please send them to support@genuitec.com and reference your post title.

    2. Details about your Eclipse environment? You can find this information at Help menu > About > Installation Details button > Configuration tab.

    Minimally we need the following information:

    2a. Operation System
    2b. Eclipse version
    2c. Java distribution and version are you running Eclipse with?

    3. Are you operating Eclipse from behind a corporate network proxy or firewall? If yes please share any details such as how your Eclipse proxy settings are configured and if you can successfully open the Eclipse Marketplace, e.g., Help menu > Eclipse Marketplace…

    4. Provide any additional observations and information that you feel will help us quickly identify the issue.

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by wayne.
    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by wayne.
    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by wayne.
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