
[SURVEY] Plugins most commonly added to MyEclipse

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  • #268895 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Why add Hibernate Tools to MyEclipse? (What functionality are we missing?)

    #269031 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    It’s not in term of missing functionality that we chose not to use MyEclipse embedded Hibernate Tools. Our decision was made basically on these points:

    – Outdated documentation
    The following link < http://myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-61.html > (if there’s one more up-to-date, please correct me) mentions Hibernate 2.1.x, upcoming MyEclipse 3.8GA, etc…

    – Necessity to add Hibernate capabilities to the project
    Our projects don’t need all the bunch of capabilities provided by MyEclipse. Access to DB records is made through a separate application, and we prefer to customize the added libraries / properties on a per-project basis

    – Access to source code
    Until quite recently, the MyEclipse team did not provide the modified source code of their version of the Tools, even though the latter is under LGPL. We are not lacking trust in the ME team, just a matter of respect and ethics towards FLOSS in general.


    #269040 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    – Outdated documentation
    The following link < http://myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-61.html > (if there’s one more up-to-date, please correct me) mentions Hibernate 2.1.x, upcoming MyEclipse 3.8GA, etc…

    That feature page *does* need to get updated, but it’s not documentation.

    You can find documentation either from the Documentation portion of the site (Documentation link on left site) or under the Help > Contents menu and under MyEclipse Learning Center.

    – Necessity to add Hibernate capabilities to the project
    Our projects don’t need all the bunch of capabilities provided by MyEclipse. Access to DB records is made through a separate application, and we prefer to customize the added libraries / properties on a per-project basis

    Besides the ‘.myhibernate’ file created in the root of your project, everything else is optional. As a convenience we add the Hibernate libraries, they can certainly be removed from the build path and your own libs added (the only real important part is the .myhibernate file, it allows MyEclipse to know about the ‘hibernatey’ aspects of your project)

    BUT that being said, I can certainly understand some developers like “pure” tools that don’t add anything in any way to their project.

    – Access to source code
    Until quite recently, the MyEclipse team did not provide the modified source code of their version of the Tools, even though the latter is under LGPL. We are not lacking trust in the ME team, just a matter of respect and ethics towards FLOSS in general.

    There was a lot that went on that wasn’t covered publicly. We were never in violation of the LGPL.

    For future reference, all our open source re-contributions are available from our OS page here:

    #269597 Reply


    – Subversive
    – Mylar
    – Maven

    #269638 Reply


    Ivy + IvyDE
    CodeCoverage: EMMA, Coverlipse …
    ContinousBuild: CruiseControl Dashboard, …
    Packaging via Launch4J

    #270286 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    I tried to use JadEclipse with ME 5.1 JadEclipse eventually crashed my ME installation. I never figured out why.. I just stopped using it. If someone could look into this that would be great.

    The other tools I like and try to use with ME are PMD and Jupiter.


    #270660 Reply


    Our company uses the following currently 10 developers

      checkstyle            – great for code and format checking

      eclipse2ant          – great to allow your source to be built easily

      jarretriever           – quick retrieval of required jars for 3rd party apps

      log4e                   – nice tool to ease the development use of log4j

      resourcebundle   – great tool to properly edit multiple resource files at one time

      subclipse             – Decent tool to use with Subversion, I mostly use
      TortoiseSVN however

    #270696 Reply

    Bill Keydel

    – Subversive
    – Maven 2
    – Jetty

    #271081 Reply

    Edmond Wong

    p4eclipse – perforce for eclipse
    fatjar – packaging

    #271082 Reply

    Edmond Wong

    Ability to generate ant script for remote build

    #271083 Reply

    Edmond Wong

    Add the feature, where holding the ctrl-key and scroll mouse button can resize the font of the editing window. Like Notepad++, and other text editor. Contribute the the code to eclipse.org if the feature is not there…

    #271085 Reply

    Edmond Wong

    I meant resizing the text in the editing window.

    #273256 Reply


    a decent clearcase plugin
    +1 for jadclipse – it’s invaluable when you haven’t bothered to stick the source on your path

    #276354 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #276743 Reply


    Ability to generate ant script for remote build

    What does “remote” build mean?

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 75 total)
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