
Tapestry (Spindle) Problem

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  • #239998 Reply


    I am new to Eclipse. I migrated a Tapestry application from JBuilder to Eclipse. I can successfully build, deploy and run this app from Eclipse.

    I have two problems with this app in Eclipse. I have added the Tapestry capability to my app but I cannot get code completion to work in any of the Tapestry files. Also after a build I have an error in my .application file. In the <library> tag I get an unable to resolve library. This .library file is in the WEB-INF directory along with all my other file. This error in the .application file is causing errors in other files because the they cannot resolve the library.

    Is there a setup process or configuration I am missing?

    #240049 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you tell us the settings you have on your MyEclipse-Web preference panel under your project properties? Also let us know what Build ID of Eclipse (Help > About) and MyEclipse (Window > Prefs > MyEclipse) you are using”? Additionally the outline of your project’s directory structure would be helpful.

    #240067 Reply


    Web-root folder and Web Context-root is /paaa ???

    Build id: M20050929-0840

    Build id: 20051010-4.0.2-GA

    jar files …..
    all other .page and .html files

    paaa.apliction file

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC
    “-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry Specification 3.0//EN”
    <!– generated by Spindle, http://spindle.sourceforge.net –>

    <application name=”paaa” engine-class=”org.apache.tapestry.engine.BaseEngine”>

    <description>add a description</description>
    <property name=”org.apache.tapestry.visit-class”>price.Visit</property>
    <page name=”Home” specification-path=”Home.page”/>
    <library id=”contrib” specification-path=”/org/apache/tapestry/contrib/Contrib.library”/>
    <library id=”components” specification-path=”Components.library“/>
    <library id=”review” specification-path=”review_components/Review.library“/>

    #240068 Reply


    ..jar files …..
    ……all other .page .html files

    #240086 Reply


    Your library spec decl in the .application file is

    <library id=”review” specification-path=”review_components/Review.library”/>

    I think it should be

    <library id=”review” specification-path=”review-components/Review.library”/>

    see the dash/underscore?


    #240091 Reply


    I mistyped the folder name in the message I sent you, review_components is correct.

    #240094 Reply


    Do I need to install Spindle separately from MyEclipes? Your Help pages on the Spindle Builder talk about a Tapestry Nature Page that I can’t find.

    #240098 Reply


    No, Spindle has been intergrated into ME – you don’t want to install Spindle from SF also as undefined behaviour may result.

    I’ll have to check the docs.


    #240331 Reply


    Another problem with the Spindle Builder, it is marking all files that are in sub folders as Tapestry cannot see at runtime. The sub folders can be ether in the WebRoot or the WEB-INF.

    This is not true, if I deploy this app it works just fine.

    Any idea’s about this problem?

    #240382 Reply


    @mwilliamson wrote:

    Another problem with the Spindle Builder, it is marking all files that are in sub folders as Tapestry cannot see at runtime. The sub folders can be ether in the WebRoot or the WEB-INF.

    This is not true, if I deploy this app it works just fine.

    Any idea’s about this problem?

    Spindle builds a chain from web.xml out to all of the pages and components in the application. If a file does not end up in the chain, then it’s a file that, at runtime, Tapestry would never see.

    People note excessive “build misses” sometimes when thier projects contain .html files that have nothing to do with Tapestry – ie. they are truely static html files.

    You can change how Spindle marks these files or even tell Spindle to ‘ignore’ all build misses by going to the first Spindle preference page. Look for “Action taken when a file is missed”.


    #240685 Reply


    Making the changes you sent fixed the problem with not finding sub folders.

    I don’t think the Tapestry Template Editor is being used when I edit HTML files. None of the code completion and Tapestry specific function work.

    I can’t find any way to turn these features on. Are they on by default?

    #240730 Reply


    @mwilliamson wrote:

    Making the changes you sent fixed the problem with not finding sub folders.

    I don’t think the Tapestry Template Editor is being used when I edit HTML files. None of the code completion and Tapestry specific function work.

    I can’t find any way to turn these features on. Are they on by default?

    First test. Close the file select it in the Package Explorer and choose Open With.. Tapestry Template Editor.

    #240741 Reply


    Your last fix worked. I didn’t create my files with Eclipse I created a project and then copied all the files into it, then added Tapestry capabilities.

    Two things:
    The syntax completion doesn’t work automatical, only when I hit Ctrl+Space. Is this correct or is there another setting that I am missing?

    I am still getting errors in the .application file on the library specification-path. I have my custom components in sub folders that Tapestry project builder cannot resolve. I have the correct paths because the application run without problems.

    #240765 Reply


    @mwilliamson wrote:

    Your last fix worked. I didn’t create my files with Eclipse I created a project and then copied all the files into it, then added Tapestry capabilities.

    Two things:
    The syntax completion doesn’t work automatical, only when I hit Ctrl+Space. Is this correct or is there another setting that I am missing?

    There is a spot in the Spindle preference pages to turn on automatic completions. I’m not near a machine with Spindle on it to look for the exact page. And, I personally don’t use autocompletes (I use Spindle and ME every day) so I’m not too familliar with how that feature has been behaving. Haven’t seen any bug reports on it to date so it should be ok.

    I am still getting errors in the .application file on the library specification-path. I have my custom components in sub folders that Tapestry project builder cannot resolve. I have the correct paths because the application run without problems.

    You can put the cursor in the “specification-path” value and hit ctrl-space – what opens is a filterable search window where you can start typing the name of your .library file. Select the right one and hit enter. If your file does not show up there there is a classpath problem and I’ll need more information.

    #240944 Reply


    I have this same issue. It actually only came up when I upgraded from MyEclipse 4.0 to 4.03

    In WEB-INF I have myapp.application which has this line:
    <library id=”mylib” specification-path=”components/mylib.library”/>

    in WEB-INF/components I have mylib.library which just has one line:

    All my components are in WEB-INF/components, and they all have errors in the IDE that say they Tapestry won’t see them during runtime (not true, see below).

    I get an error in myapp.application which says:
    “Unable to resolve library: Classpath components/mylib.library”

    It works though, meaning the application runs just fine. Just the IDE complains.

    When I do a Cntrl-Space in the specification-path, I only see libraries for contrib inspector, contrib, WML, and framelwork. My library is not there.

    I also tried changing the Spindle settings but nothing seemed to make a difference. Money down says its a bug with 4.03.

    *** Date: Mon Nov 07 09:58:38 MST 2005

    *** System properties:
    OS version=5.1
    Java version=1.5.0_05

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 4.0.3 GA
    Build id: 20051025-4.0.3-GA

    *** Eclipse details:
    Eclipse SDK

    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435

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    Build id: I20050627-1435

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435

    Eclipse startup command=-os

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