There are three major problems I am having right now with MyEclipseIDE
1) When I add Struts capabilities, I can see the TLD files being added, and when I create a new JSP page with a 2.2 form … the page does not work. web.xml NEVER gets updated with the tag libs and I have to do this manually in order to get the page to work.
Deployment Issues
2) With tomcat 4 and tomcat 5, I tried to do a deploy to the web-apps directory and it CONSTANTLY, CONSTANTLY, CONSTANTLY, CONSTANTLY, CONSTANTLY, CONSTANTLY,
tells me that the Application Server JDK is not setup … yet it is, and I’ve made sure it is setup DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS of times to make sure that it is. Finally, I just chose a custom location and said “screw it” and then it finally works. But then I have to STOP tomcat manually and then restart it again. It’s not doing a hot re-deploy.
3) If Tomcat is running “in-process” with Apache, you have to Stop Apache altogether first (which stops tomcat), and then re-deploy your web-app. Then you have to reStart Apache (which will restart Tomcat as well).
Seems like an awful lot to do … maybe I should just use an Ant Script until MyEclipse works out those deployment bugs?