
Tomcat server Launch mode [Enhancement]

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  • #198638 Reply


    I installed MyEclipse on top of a Clean Eclipse build yesterday and since then have been evaluating it. I really like this simple yet efficient product and am planning to subscribe to full membership at the end of my evaluation period.

    Since today evening, I have not been able to launch my Tomcat instance on RUN mode. I tried setting up my Preferences -> MyEclipse -> Application Servers -> Tomcat 4 -> Launch mode, to “RUN” several times and restarted MyEclipse.

    Still the Tomcat Launch, starts up only in DEBUG MODE on DEBUG PERSPECTIVE and not on RUN MODE.

    I also checked the pref_store.ini file for the tomcat 4 instance under .metadata/.plugins and everything looks fine. Here is the dump of pref_store.ini file.

    #Fri Sep 19 19:58:16 PDT 2003
    TOMCAT_HOME=D\:\\Tomcat 4.1
    TOMCAT_TEMP=D\:\\Tomcat 4.1\\temp
    LIBRARY_PATH=”D\:\\j2sdk1.4.1\\bin;D\:\\Tomcat 4.1\\bin”
    TOMCAT_BASE=D\:\\Tomcat 4.1
    ENDORSED_DIRS=”D\:\\Tomcat 4.1/bin;D\:\\Tomcat 4.1/common/endorsed”

    Could the excellent MyEclipse support personnel help me out on this? Here is my env. information.

    OS – Win 2K 5.00.2195 Service Pack 3
    Eclipse Version – 2.1.0 Build id: 200303272130
    Was eclipse freshly installed ? YES
    How many plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory are like org.eclipse.pde.* ? 7
    Are any other external plugins installed?
    MyEclipse Version 2.6.2
    JDK Version – java version “1.4.1”
    What JDK version are you using to launch your application server?
    What application server are you using?
    Tomcat 4.1


    #198639 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    First, thank you for following the posting guidelines and giving us the information we need to get going on the first try. It makes my job much easier.

    Could the excellent MyEclipse support personnel help me out on this? Here is my env. information.

    Why of course we can. And normally at all odd hours of the day and night too. 🙂

    Still the Tomcat Launch, starts up only in DEBUG MODE on DEBUG PERSPECTIVE and not on RUN MODE.

    There may be some confusion here about what starting the server in Run mode does. It simply does tells the Eclipse environment that we won’t be debugging it so that all breakpoints should be ignored and tells the launch manager to start the instance in Run, not Debug mode. Other than that the two modes are about the same. Are your breakpoints being hit when you start in Run mode? What behavior are you seeing that is different than you expect?

    MyEclipse Support

    #198641 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Excellent !!! Your support turnaround time really rocks !!! 😯 I apologise for not being clear in my earlier post. Here is my issue,

    When I first installed Tomcat appserver on MyEclipse, the perspective was always MyEclipse and didn’t change to DEBUG perspective. Then, I started setting up some breakpoints in my servlet code and restarted tomcat. This time it started in DEBUG perspective which was as expected.

    And then, I removed all the breakpoints from the servlet code and restarted my tomcat again. [By this time, I had changed my perspective to MYECLIPSE again…] When I restarted tomcat after clearing the breakpoints, the perspective still changes to DEBUG instead of staying in MYECLIPSE. All along these sequence, my server startup config. setting was in ‘DEBUG MODE’ in preferences. I changed that to ‘RUN MODE’ and tried to launch it. Still, the server opens up in DEBUG perspective only.

    When I start my TOMCAT, I do not like my perspective to change to DEBUG mode, and would like to remain in MYECLIPSE perspective only. Is this a bug or a feature of MyEclipse – appserver connector?


    #198642 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Excellent !!! Your support turnaround time really rocks !!! 😯

    We do our best to catch everything as soon as possible. At the very minimum we’ll check the forums at least twice a day (morning and evening). Usually it’s much more often since we really don’t have any personal lives. 🙂

    When I first installed Tomcat appserver on MyEclipse, the perspective was always MyEclipse and didn’t change to DEBUG perspective.

    That’s odd. I think it has always changed to DEBUG for me, regardless of the Run / Debug setting.

    When I start my TOMCAT, I do not like my perspective to change to DEBUG mode, and would like to remain in MYECLIPSE perspective only. Is this a bug or a feature of MyEclipse – appserver connector?

    It’s not really a bug, but I would call it an unintended feature. What you’re requesting as the behavior is perfectly reasonable so I’ve added it as an enhancement request against our launcher so we can look at addressing it in the next service release. Thanks for the feedback; it makes the product better for everyone.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198645 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Your dedication to work is astonishing…Best wishes for a bright future for you and your budding company…The product rocks and the support rocks even better…:-)

    Hope to see this unintended feature, go away in the future release. Thanks for looking into my feedback.


    #198646 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thank you very much for the kudos for our team. We really do work very hard on our products and our support so it’s good to hear that it’s noticed. The hardest thing for us to get is publicity within companies so any help you can provide is always very welcome. 🙂

    Hope to see this unintended feature, go away in the future release.

    It definately will. I actually entered it as a bug and that tends to motivate the deveopers a lot more than “feature requests” do. It’ll definately go away soon now. 😉

    MyEclipse Support

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