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Tools.jar missing in the classpath of Ant [Closed]
From your message I can not understand what the cause of your problem might be. Please provide more context.
What is your environment (OS, ver of Eclipse & MyEclipse, other plugins installed?
What steps lead to this problem?
Are you running your own Ant tasks?
right click the ‘Xdoclet-buld.xml’ in the Package Explorer and click “Run Ant…”
The only plug-in I’ve installed is Struts-Console, and except for that I am not running any other Ant tasks of my own.. yet 🙂
You need to verify your Ant settings at Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime. On the classpath tab, the tools.jar file contained in your current JDK should be listed. If it isn’t, add it to the classpath and that should take care of the issue.
I am facing this problem in Vista. You have provded a solution for XP. How can I dop that in Vista
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\tools.jar
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
You need to verify your Ant settings at Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime. On the classpath tab, the tools.jar file contained in your current JDK should be listed. If it isn’t, add it to the classpath and that should take care of the issue.
Even on Vista, the path remains the same. From MyEclipse IDE Menu bar, go to Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Classpath tab and verify if the jar file is available.
Let me know if that helps.