
Transaction problem with SQL Editor (MyEclipse 4)

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  • #258856 Reply



    I created a sql file with several SQL queries.
    If one of them fail, I want all to rollback, so I introduced a begin work at the beginning of my file and activated the AutoCommit preference.

    But when an error occurs, I get the useless message :
    ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block.

    I get no information about the error that occured. To get this information, I must delete the begin work statement. But if I do that, the first queries which are correct are commited and the ones after the error don’t execute.

    How can I get the error message that helps me to diagnose the problem and rollback all the queries when there’s a problem ?

    A. ROY

    #258873 Reply

    Haris Peco


    Please, try set auto commit to off – auto commit on will try commit after every command and you won’t that

    Whe you set auto commit to off you have to call auto commit explicit when you want


    #258928 Reply


    Hi Peco,

    Setting auto commit off doesn’t change anything. My problem is about the error message displayed by the SQL Editor when an error occurs. I get a message telling me that the transaction is aborted which is not very usefull whereas I’d prefer get a message about the SQL error causing the transaction to abort.

    A. ROY

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