I’m working on BMP entity bean, using xdoclet to create helper classes, but I have my own data object that I want to use.
I tried to create my own methods: get/setServiceRunData(), using other working code as an example, but now even when I try to revert the code to the simplest form which works in other EJBs I still get the same error:
Generating Data Object class for 'com.transnav.server.ejb.ServiceRun'.
[ejbdoclet] (TemplateEngine.invokeMethod 547 ) Invoking method failed: xdoclet.tagshandler.MethodTagsHandler.ifHasMethod, line=4 of template file: jar:file:/C:/sw_dev/tools/MyEclipse/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_4.0.0/xdoclet-ejb-module-1.2.3.jar!/xdoclet/modules/ejb/entity/resources/dataobject.xdt
[ejbdoclet] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[ejbdoclet] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
It’s a nightmare – everything’s starting to fall apart around this – xdoclet insists on creating a data object for me (I’ve ticked yes in the dialog box because for some of the other EJBs I want xdoclet to create the dataobjects, but I’ll use my own classes for some but not all of them). The ../interfaces.ServiceRunData class does not get completed by xdoclet – It doesn’t close the second constructor or the class, so there’s an error in this class (even though I don’t use it).
Also the ejb.xml file that is generated by xdoclet is left incomplete – so nothing works at all.