But does Eclipse touch Internet Explorer? Would IE be the browser component you’re thinking of?
Yep it is the embedded browser control in Eclipse 2.x and the SWT Browser default for Windows in 3.x.
In the meantime, if I rename a workspace, then launch that Eclipse version, would this be the kind of thing you mean when you say ‘it is a lot like uninstalling and reinstalling Eclipse?
If you shut down Eclipse, go to the workspace dir and rename it to workspace-old then start Eclipse again, yes this is exactly like what I was talking about.
Also, using -clean: How would I do that?
You can just temporarily add it to the shortcut you use to start Eclipse, it probably looks something like this:
C:\eclipse-3.0.1\eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx256m
so you would want to temporarily change it to look like this:
C:\eclipse-3.0.1\eclipse.exe -clean -vmargs -Xms128m -Xmx256m
After Eclipse starts up, go ahead and remove the -clean.
Thank you so much for hanging in with me on this stuff!
No problem, I know how it feels to want to get some work done and be stuck mucking with software and then everyone wants you to “RTFM” which in this situation is equivalent to like 200 pages of spec document just to find the 2 cents of insight you want 😉