
UML Diagramming

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  • #230736 Reply


    I’m liking the first attempt of MyEclipse doing UML. I just got it working and it seems to cover the basics prety well.

    Three questions tho.

    1) Will the final version be UML 2 compliant?
    2) The Use case diagrams seems to be missing the System diagram. This is ususually a rectangle encompasing the use cases (but not actors) to represent the system in general, or sub-system if you are doing more detailed diagrams of a spicific high level Use Case. Will this be added in?
    3) My version of MyEclipse seems to have a probelm with the colaboration, activity and state diagrams buttons in the main menue bar. They are only selectable if I select a Deployement diagram, and then create a New Component diagram, then select it. Note it only works on New Componenent, and not New Componenet Instance.

    #230748 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) If this becomes an important requirement for our users we will look into extending it into this realm. Our biggest goal was to get a solid easy-to-use UML diagramming and reverse engineering solution in. We don’t plan on competing with entire UML editing suits, that will bog us down and hurt the product more than help it.

    2) Hmm I will bring this to the attention of the developers.

    3) We know, this will be fixed in Milestone 2 build due out in a few weeks.

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