On further investigation I discover the UML preferences change the presentation of existing diagram elements. The only problem is that you can’t use these facilities to colour code diagrams.
Ideally what is required is:
1) Global & project defaults (diagram defaults is also useful!)
2) Changing the defaults does not change existing diagram elements (perhaps with a prompt to override)
3) Ability to select a set of elements in a diagram and change the presentation options for all of them
4) The presentation options are attached to a digram element, not a model element (This is already there)
The presentation options should cover all the show stuff – class compartments, visibility indicators, mutiplicity, stereotype symbols, and the basic graphics – fill, shadow etc.
Bit much to ask when you’ve only just released it! Actually I’m just pleased that you’ve picked up the Argo torch. Please view this list as a longer range goal.