- This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 2 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
bobashMemberIf I backup and restore (using winzip) a project in my workspace, the .mymetadata file becomes invalid: I can no longer deploy web applications because the “deploy location” is empty. If I use file copy to backup and restore a project then the .mymetadata file is good.
A binary file compare shows that the .mymetadata file is unchanged. Is there something special about that file — in the slack space perhaps?if I move the file to a FAT formatted floppy and put it back it also breaks things.
support-michaelKeymasterThere is nothing special about the .mymetadata file so I’m not sure what’s up. It is a simple XML text file. I have entered this case into our issue tracking system for further research. I assume that when you move/restore the .mymetadata file I assume that MyEclipse is not running?
MyEclipse Support
bobashMemberHere’s what I do:
MyEclipse not running
win 2000 or xp
in c:\eclipse\workspace\HelloWorld
copy .mymetadata goodfile
edit .mymetadata
just space – backspace so it’s dirty then save
start myeclipse
attempt to deploy HelloWorld project
deploy location will be blank — can’t deploy
exit eclipse
copy goodfile .mymetadata
start myeclipse
deploy works again!instead of editing .mymetadata, move it to a FAT partition, then back again — can’t deploy
support-michaelKeymasterThanks for the extra details. I believe the problem is the .mymetadata file is out of sync with its corresponding Eclipse resource handle. Try “refresh”ing the .mymetadata file and see if this resolves the problem.
MyEclipse Support
bobashMemberWhen I refresh:
java.lang.NullPointerException encountered while running com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core.builder.DeploymentDescriptorValidator.Can anyone else duplicate my problem?
Scott AndersonParticipantBob,
Did you refresh the entire project, or just the .mymetadata file. Does the error occur with a full refresh? This looks like it could be this reported bug:
MyEclipse Support
bobashMemberI refresh the entire project. XML validation for deployment descriptor only. Another strange thing is that if I try what I did from the “Dec 17, 2003 – 03:54 PM” post above, using the goodfile from that date, it does not work. It seems to be time sensitive.
FYI: I have been conducting these experiments in a using a clean install of win xp, fully patched, a default install of JDK 1.4.2_02, a default install of eclipse 212 and myeclipse upgraded to 2.7rc1.
I suppose I could try to debug DeploymentDescriptorValidator…The workaround that I use is: delete the project and recreate it (having saved .project and .classpath). It recreates a usable .mymetadata file. The project is from the getting started web project development tutorial.
Riyad KallaMemberCould this possibly be an encoding issue? Meaning that the file written out is relying on a non-ASCII character that gets toasted when you zip it?
Bob, besides zipping destroying the file, have you tried RARing it or 7zip’ing it up? I’ve had the built in Windows Zip support kill off files (2 years worth of PPT files from work) before, so I wouldn’t put it past it that its ruining this file for you.
I’m wondering if you can attach the .myeclipseide file to an email, send it to yourself and then try and use it and see if it still works.
As you mentioned it might be a timestamp thing, if you right clikc on the file, change its perms, then come back in 20mins and change them back, will that update the “date last chnaged” time stamp? Maybe that’s a way to test the timestamp theory without actually modifying the file (incase its super sensative to change).
bobashMemberRAR – failed
email – failed
timestamp – failed
It seems that this is a very touchy file.
Riyad KallaMembermy god this is strange… Scott/Michael any ideas?
Scott AndersonParticipantTruly freaky. I’d try refreshing the entire workspace, not just the project, just to make sure all the files are in sync. There’s nothing that we do that is “tricky” or anything with the .mymetadata file. It’s simply an XML config file.
MyEclipse Support
bobashMemberfixed in rc2 🙂
Riyad KallaMemberhey that’s good to hear!