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  • #341025 Reply


    When I build a native android app I publish and hosting it on third party site not on Google play store where apps downloads and install to users phone without any security issues. My question is there is any settings in m1 or have a snippet or anything built in the app so when somebody downloading my app it would download and install without asking to set the phone security to allow download from unknown source.
    Thanks for any idea or suggestion

    #341028 Reply


    Short answer – No there isn’t…. Long Answer – Unless Google change their security settings in future releases of Android and I can’t see that happening. It’s not the app that is the problem it’s where the app is downloading from. I doubt there is a way to trick the device into thinking the download is coming from Google Play when it is not.
    Why don’t you publish the app on Google Play? It only costs $25 one off payment to join the dev program and there is no approval process, plus the app will auto update, it won’t do that when you host the app yourself.

    #341029 Reply

    Hi anser,

    stickleback is right, this is an Android’s restriction and your users must have enabled the option for allowing unknown sources to install an app that wasn’t download from Google Play.

    #341036 Reply


    Thank you very much Stickleback and Octavio for your responds. About the developer account
    [Why don’t you publish the app on Google Play? It only costs $25 one off payment to join the dev program and there is no approval process, plus the app will auto update, it won’t do that when you host the app yourself.]
    Stickleback do you mean Google Play does not have strict restrictions like app store how app must be built? in other words I can built an app for instant with colored navigation buttons still can upload it to Google Play – or any other restrictions about the apps function?

    #341037 Reply


    You do have to supply some screenshots, hi res icon, and promo image, there isn’t any approval process as with Apple, just fill in the details, tick a few boxes, upload the images and the .APK file you created in m1 then publish. Takes about 24 hours to go live, much easier than Apple. Big plus is when your users download the app they have the option of ticking the auto update box, if and when you publish an update it will automatically update the users device.

    #341039 Reply


    Sounds easy thank you Stickleback I’ll look in to it its also gives the app an integrity towards users when it’s available from Google Play rather than third party site. Why I didn’t though of signing up earlier? who knows… Thanks a lot…!

    #341041 Reply


    No problem, if you need any help just ask.

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