Thank you robert,
I read this article
App icon sizes have changed and are now:
Devices iOS 6 size (in pixel) iOS 7 size (in pixel)
iPhone Non Retina 57 x 57 not available
iPhone Retina 114 x 114 120 x 120
iPad Non Retina (mini and 2nd gen) 72 x 72 76 x 76
iPad Retina 144 x 144 152 x 152
If you want to target only iOS 7, you just need 76 x 76, 120 x 120 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. If you want to target also iOS 6, you’ll need 57 x 57, 72 x 72, 76 x 76, 114 x 114, 120 x 120, 144 x 144 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. Without counting Spotlight and Settings icon if you don’t want the OS to interpolate them!