
Using a default location subdirectory as project locations

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  • #225293 Reply


    I would like to use subdirectories under the main Eclipse workspace location as the main directories of projects. I’ve tried doing this but so far haven’t been able to make it work, so I’m posting here to see if it’s even possible.

    For example I currently have three projects which are using C:/dev as the Workspace default location

    C:/dev/project1 (an actual project directory)
    C:/dev/project2 (an actual project directory)
    C:/dev/project3 (an actual project directory)

    I now want to be able to have project modules under a project subdirectory.

    C:/dev/project1 (just a directory under which project1 modules live)
    C:/dev/project1/project1-util (an actual project directory)
    C:/dev/project1/project1-ejb (an actual project directory)
    C:/dev/project1/project1-web (an actual project directory)
    C:/dev/project2 (an actual project directory)
    C:/dev/project3 (an actual project directory)

    The projects under the main project1 directory are not nested projects but standalone Eclipse projects which will be packaged togetgher as an EAR using Maven.

    Is the above arrangement possible ? Whenever I try to move a project to a subdirectory as described above I get the message that the new location and the default location overlap. It seems that this sort of arrangement isn’t supported. Is this true ? If not then how do I go about it ?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


    #225305 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is not allowed per Eclipse’s specification of a “Project”, they are not hierarchical.

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