
using struts

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  • #224769 Reply


    this might not be right for this forum but, i have a form that i would like to prepopulate with info that i have stored in a bean in a session.

    i usually use this to write to the screen

    <bean:write name=”com.mlmic.physreg.physicianinfo” property=”firstName”/>

    this is what i have for my field

    <html:text property=”shipFirstName” size=”15″ maxlength=”15″ />

    how do i prepopulate the text field with that value in the bean

    #224780 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Software Dev (this isn’t ME related).

    Also, you are missing a name attribute on yout html:text tag that will tell it WHICH object in the page to use to call the ‘shipFirstName’ method on it to populate the value of the text field.

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